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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. I wonder if that would get censored on another particular Site? What a dilemma... It's enough to give you an Ulcer!
  2. Ironic... Petrochemicals from prehistoric life, re-imagined and formed into plastic models of prehistoric life. We will all go the way of the Dinosaurs. We are all Sein-zum-Tode. Don't wish away life longing for what might never be... Enjoy what you have. S
  3. They announced those at Telford, 6 months ago. They announced the Fw190 series almost 5 years ago. Yet people getting all bent (mostly elsewhere) because Tamiya were expected to release such-and-such; because they already have a kit of it in a smaller scale, or someone saw a Tamiya rep measuring something, or they saw it spelled out upside down in a photo of Brett Green eating a bowl of Ramen Soup.
  4. Nostalgia is big at the moment... Lego. Board Games. Re-imagined movie streams of the 40 year old Star Wars saga and 50 year old Comic characters. Plastic Modelling is part of all that nostalgia. The Hobby is fine. I'm more disappointed with Zoukei Mura... No Old Man blog for 6 months, nothing apparently at Shizuoka, and I'm still waiting to hear back about my pre-ordered Ki-45 kit from February.
  5. I like that one... I really want to do this: But realistically, I'll never get it finished before Bodenplatte. So I'm torn between: Or: Hmmmm...
  6. Wumm


    Congratulations! Let's raise a glass to the happy Couple.
  7. Wumm


    Just gorgeous Harv❤️ I can tell, she's got this. So sit back and enjoy everything, blessings to you all. S
  8. Wumm


    Just a little tip... 3 hours to go now; as the FOTB, might pay to make a call to the Boys to check that everything is running to plan. Then you're in position to calm everyone's nerves in the house if the question comes up.
  9. Wumm


    Is the Bride staying there as well Harv? If so... Chaos!
  10. Wumm


    Looks beautiful Smitty... My Wife Beck and I sailing off Hamilton Island but 3 weeks ago... I could really get used to that life.
  11. OMG... Everyone's on an island this week!
  12. Wumm


    Yeah, But it's like some kooky kind of Love-in or something. if he's standing at the Buffet putting chocolate cake in a bag Bev... Run for the hills!
  13. Wumm


    It's funny... It's the same sun, the same Moon, the same clouds... but it just looks so much better on a tropical Island Have fun you two ❤️
  14. Wumm


    Oops... Perhaps not. And another thing... Is it tomorrow over there yet or is it still today (your today being our yesterday of course)?
  15. Wumm


    Are you sure?
  16. Wumm


    Excellent! Did you get Lei'd?
  17. Also in if we go ahead with this. Have suitable armour or aircraft options. S
  18. Wumm


    Harv, you lucky so-and-so... This is on my Bucket list, my Wife wants to snorkel and dive the Kona Coast. It's automatically tacked on as a rider to any Stateside trip we might do. So much easier when you get on with your future in-laws. Presuming that all the details have already been arranged, so relax and have a great and memorable time, and be as one with the Islands. S
  19. Completely surreal... Some Pax possibly asphyxiated and perished where they sat, yet others nonchalantly walking away with their cases trailing behind and suit jacket draped over their arms. Reports that they squawked the 7600 no comms code, which may point to a loss of electrics due to the lightning strike. Fire likely from the MLG perforating the wing tanks after that hard landing. My heart goes out to all those involved.
  20. 1 Tonners are now very popular down here. Used to be only for Tradesmen in the Cities, and Farmers in the Regionals, but now every Man and his Dog seems to have one. Mostly Dual Cabs now as Station Wagon substitutes that Wives drive to Schools and home again, that never take a load in the bed or see mud in their lifetime. You often see stickers like these in the Cities... Ute as in "Utility" ( my Grandad used to call 'em "Tilly"s). In the Country, everyone just pitches in as needed. "Rooting in the Ute" has a very different meaning here!
  21. Yesterday, Mike O put up photos of a build, that he had recycled when it got damaged in transit. I thought to myself... "I could have sworn I had those decals somewhere" So, I went looking, and managed to find them! But in the process of doing that, I came across a small uncomplicated kit that has inspired me to get it built, as I had completely forgotten about it. So don't sweat it... sometimes inspiration finds you.
  22. Canucks and Trucks... Make me think of Corb Lund. Mighty Neighbourly...
  23. Revell will have the correct wing undersides for a 17xxxx W.Nr... if that's a consideration for you
  24. Beautiful job, You'd never know there were any problems the way she turned out. Maybe some WIP shots next time (hint hint)? S
  25. Nicely done for a do-over, Getting that solid yellow coverage is always problematic, but you've done well. And how old are those decals? Fantastic job
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