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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. My Partner at the time and I were in Melbourne in June 2011 for Model Expo, when the Chilean Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcano erupted. We were due to fly out early on the Monday morning, QANTAS had already announced that they were cancelling flights due to the ash cloud now encircling the Southern Hemisphere but we were on Virgin, who told us they were still flying when we went to bed at 7pm on the Sunday... I was due back at work on the Tuesday. We woke at 2am, and their website said the flight was still proceeding so we checked out early and headed to Tullamarine. Arrived Airport, to be told at the Counter that all flights were cancelled and would be for some days. At that point, it was like a scene from the Amazing Race. I and about half a dozen others ran to find whatever Rentals were available before the penny dropped with everyone else. Managed to jag a Lancer but had to pay for a week because we wouldn't be returning it to Melbourne from Brisbane ourselves. It's over a thousand miles and 18 hours, so we took our time and got in Tuesday evening and I only missed a day. Wasn't happy with Virgin, if they'd not specifically told us on the Sunday that the flight was on we could have arranged a Rental on the Sunday and made it back in time... This and it took over a month and quite a few phone calls to get the ticket and Rental costs reimbursed. But, at least all that wasn't because we were being held ransom over an 11% wage claim.
  2. This would look lovely in a diorama setting, with subtle rust and patina added to the finish.
  3. Thanks Man, I think everyone's back now, so the other builds seem to be powering on. Back to barrels briefly... I picked up the Dragon Ausf.A '250 Cäsar Half-track recently, and the kit includes the same KWK sprue with identical notch on the back. However, it also comes with a full length Flak barrel as well, that wasn't fitted to the '250/9 variant. Bizarre... Looking for opinions now on weathering techniques. What do we think... Looking alright, or a bit heavy-handed?
  4. Guy on a Buffalo? Amateur! (Says Guy in a Bear...)
  5. This will unfortunately always happen in today's 'Look at me' digital age... conversely, KH's main online Detractor is no longer on this Site, so at least they'll get a fair review here. It always puzzles me, as to why people complain about inaccuracies in Model Kits that aren't in their scope of interest.
  6. Ok, I'll simplify things then... Because they make them money. I can pick an Arado-built Fw190 A-8 from a Fieseler from a Dornier-Wismar simply from the camouflage. This is all part of the enthusiasm generated for me by the Aircraft type, and are particulars I like to highlight when I model them. However the lack of knowledge and/or enthusiasm of others for my chosen subject doesn't lead me to complain incessantly when a Manufacturer releases a subject I'm not interested in (such as the entire WNW catalogue for instance). That to me becomes far more boring than grey Aeroplanes.
  7. This is half my stash of radial-engined Hasegawa Fw190's (the rest are deeper in storage and it's 1am and I don't want to wake the Wife) I have almost the same number of Hasgawa D9 variants as well. There are probably plenty of other Modellers like myself. Almost none of the other subjects in the second half of the post interest me. And of those Modellers who are interested, how many are going to buy 20 kits of each one? If you're a Kit Manufacturer, what are you going to invest your time, effort and money in?
  8. Wow, I just glanced over the cost of that bastard. When you guys were talking about a $70+ Zoukei Mura file, I thought you meant a Concept Note or similar.
  9. Bear is really interested in that Muffin top
  10. Never mind Robert, Everyday things often get in the way, but it's a good start you've made all the same. Always remember to fit twice with Dragon, study those instructions well, but keep building and show us your progress. Steve
  11. Oh, those Mounties... They always get their Man!
  12. My preference would be the various Dragon kits, the details are more crisp than the Trumpeter offerings, and way ahead of the Tamiya variants that originate from the 1970's. The Trumpeter may have dimension issues according to others... https://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/vehicles/8ton_flak/8ton_flak_08.html Some Modellers have fit issues with the initial Dragon armoured cab version, but this has been rectified in subsequent releases, and probably doesn't apply for the variant you're looking into. As for p/e sets, they are probably much of a muchness, and better to choose whatever is available that fits the specific kit you are going to build. Nick Mayhew or others may be able to assist further... Steve.
  13. Just in... Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz.250/9 Ausf A (alt) edition. Took forever to arrive via Australia Post, but finally here. I seem to have caught some kind of Wehrmacht Half-track bug.
  14. Along with the little frustrations, there are some nice touches to even the ledger. On the back of the KWK gun sprue there's an extra fillet attached with a blank side, and a hollowed notch on the reverse that co-incidentally exactly fits to the shape of the 20mm gun barrel. It's as if Dragon are expecting that some Modellers will be replacing the barrel with a turned metal alternative, and are making the alignment process just a little bit easier for those making that choice. Question for Experienced Armour Modellers... Is this a 'thing'? While that sets up, I had a glue-free trial assembly with the painted gun carriage parts (in Tamiya spray TS-46 Light Sand). Weathering to follow... S
  15. Fit twice, glue once... There is a small shield that fits to the front of the gun cradle; and moves in the vertical plane with the gun between the main shield, which stays fixed to the side support structures. Dragon would have you assemble this shield and it's supports separately from the cradle parts. Only, there is a rectangular notch on the carriage that the support parts are moulded to fit around... Which means once the supports are glued to the shield, there's not enough give for them to fit over the notches. You will need to either trim the bottom horizontal notch from the inside of the shield supports; or do as I chose, and simply add the supports to the gun cradle, with the shield to follow later.
  16. "You can't use the car, cause you didn't work a lick..." Springs immediately to mind. I spray outdoors at the side of the house, where it's dust free and there's rarely any breeze due to the proximity of next door's garage wall. Everything inside is invariably covered in Cocker Spaniel hair!
  17. Thanks Gaz, It's fiddly work and there's a lot of clean-up involved, but I'm really enjoying this kit.
  18. No doubt there'll be a way found to blame your photos for that TOS thread devolving into yet another Bicker-fest!
  19. Thanks Doc.. Because the Aber barrel includes part of the gun body as well, there's going to be a join somewhere between metal and styrene that will need to be feathered together, so I'm not sure the burnishing method works best in this case. But It's a technique I definitely want to try at some stage. Effective vertical range is stated to be 3500 metres, so it's probably more an AA weapon meant to track low and faster moving targets. So I guess that full range of motion allows the Gunner to lead a target that's flying overhead, or be able to engage while the vehicle is on uneven ground. S
  20. The 20mm Flak 38 gun in this incarnation sits on a cradle, sandwiched between outer supports that allow a full traversing range of motion around 360°, and an elevation from -12° though +90°. Dragon's engineering allows the compass to rotate, but the gun elevation of the model is fixed, and must be assembled from parts that allow angles of 0, 20, 40 or 60 degrees. I am going with a horizontal barrel. Speaking of which, the kit provides a shorter KWK barrel, which was utilised in mounts with limited turret access such as on the Sd.Kfz.250/9 and the Sd.Kfz.234 for instance. I will be replacing it with the Aber metal barrel mentioned earlier. Shown here is the middle cradle assembly (without gun at this stage), without primer and mounted inside the left and right supports with some accessories added. The gun itself will be one of the last items added; once everything else is assembled, primed and painted.
  21. When summer calls, it's hard not to answer... I have a feeling it will be a little quiet here with the warmer weather above the Equator and so many here at the US Nats. It's good to see some progress Doc. S
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