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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Well, that was unexpected! Hope you two had a great time away, having just had a spell away together I can certainly recommend it. S
  2. Yeah, but you can't do that nowadays... I had this discussion with my Brother-in-Law, who's a Police Dispatcher and 20 years my junior. In my day, if a Cop found you doing something of a misdemeanor nature, he would literally kick you up the butt and send you on your way. And you took it, because it was better than what was waiting at home if he dragged you there by the earlobe. So you took your medicine. And you learned the lesson. And you didn't talk back to either of them. But Police can't do that anymore. Everyone's got a cell phone, everyone's a legal expert with honours from Google, there's not enough hours in the day to fill out the paperwork, you put someone away and they're out on the street again the next day, blah blah blah. Excuses left right and centre because it's just too hard. The generation of those now tasked to uphold the Law, have been raised with the same coping skills as the current generation of perpetrators. And so the cycle continues...
  3. Cause vs effect, benefit vs consequences. The experience of vandalism is simply more fun to them than the fear of what might happen if caught. The thought of the consequences to the Victims probably isn't even a consideration. Recently, there were reports here about 10 year olds being held in Custody briefly with Adult Perps because of a backlog in the Juvenile Justice system. Then there was an Academic on the radio recently, explaining that young people aren't mature enough to tell right from wrong until the age of 14. This of course sounds like pure bunkum to most of us... Unless the Juvenile has been raised in an environment where the consequences of actions aren't fully explained as part of the growing and nurturing experience of Parenthood. Throwing 10 year old Kids in Jail or subjecting them to Corporal Punishment might seem extreme, but it's hard to fast track an understanding of consequences to someone who might never have had the opportunity to learn at home. Not trying to be a bleeding heart here... balance is good in all things. Namaste
  4. It's probably like the Notre Dame restoration... Crowd funded. BTW... Good choice of kit Mike!
  5. Found while poking around at Caboolture Aerodrome this afternoon... C-47A "Oklahoma Gal", former 43-48234 being (slowly) brought back to flying condition by Pacific Dakota Restorations. And nose art that's presumably under the tarp, from back in 2004...
  6. Note this little gem from the past provide by Neil / Falke Eins... http://falkeeins.blogspot.com/2011/05/fw-190-colours.html?m=1 The Farbton 75 on this relic is very light, more like the colour on the Hasegawa boxtop that what is often promulgated as 75 by Hobby Paint Manufacturers. The green 74 is darker than expected, but also closer to the Hasegawa interpretation. I would go with these colours, with a standard camouflaged wing and an RLM 70 patch over the lower tail portion. S
  7. Yes it is Tony, But that's the least of your worries. Any idea what colours you'll be using for the 3 tone upper scheme?
  8. It's on 'Stan' here in Au Gaz. S
  9. Well, at least we still have 'Angelique', the Atomic Tank! http://www.raeme.info/opse746.php
  10. It is reminiscent of the British Nuclear tests conducted in the Montebello Islands and Maralinga in South Australia in the 1950's and 60's, where Australian Servicemen were required to fly and march through the blast areas without any protection whatsoever. Often Servicemen and Women are required to do things in Peacetime that the general public would never be subjected to. I'm sure that nothing has changed in the 21st Century in that respect.
  11. The weathering on the seat is the charm for me. I would think that actually layers of the thinnest Evergreen sheet built up would be the go... There's one sheet that's almost paper thin.
  12. That it would! Illustration shows the gun mounted a little too far forward; period shot has the Commander between the gun and the bulkhead, to achieve the same positions he would be standing on top of the Driver in the drawing. But repositioning the gun is easy compared to actually sourcing one in the first place. The Sonder 10 I'm considering doing is from the 21st Panzer Division, they had 3 in Normandy compared against hundreds of captured French Sd.Kfz. 304/307's all pressed into service... 1/35th scale versions of these are rare as Hen's teeth.
  13. Lining a Helicopter seat with lead and flying through radioactive clouds, sounds very much like walking through a Cyclone and expecting an umbrella to keep you dry.
  14. Yes it is, thanks a bunch. Here's a great site for Luftwaffe Buffs, lists Luftwaffe claims for cross referencing who was where and when... http://don-caldwell.we.bs/jg26/claims/tonywood.htm
  15. Agreed... The Magic Tracks on the build I'm considering are less than a centimetre long, and there's 41 links to assemble each side. My plan would be; pour a large glass of red Wine, squirt some Super glue randomly on the Worktop, and throw the whole lot up in the air like the Asparagus Clairvoyant does. Can't come out much worse surely!
  16. You're welcome Tony, Once the mould is made, you can use a wedge to spread the slit apart while you pour the resin; and then remove wedge before is starts to set up, which will return the silicon to the correct shape for your part.
  17. Yes I agree, Try casting lengthwise, with the thin edge down, and a long tapered mould stub attached to the thick side to better allow the sanding process after casting.
  18. There you go Phil... You're a "Social Media Influencer"!
  19. Fence is going to get mighty uncomfortable...
  20. What... No Axis for us? That deserves a paddling...
  21. I know from older Guys in the German scene, there's still a sense of shame lingering from the War. Mix that with the general apathy of the Younger Generations, and it creates a vacuum of interest in the subject. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was also at play in Japan.
  22. It doesn't... It's nonsensical. That's the point.
  23. What...? You claim your post was censored? That would never happen Gazza... Quite frankly, I find that accusation nonsensical!
  24. That's kind of what I expected. Staff are meant to set the tone of Websites, and apply the rules consistently, so in the end you reap what you sew. The way some Guys elsewhere carry on about what a chore Moderating is, you'd think they'd go find something else that they're better suited to. That's always an option; it's a little bit more expensive that way, as is the local "Friends Store" here. Thanx guys for the tip
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