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Everything posted by BevanBrooks

  1. Yep, love pencils for scratches and your's came out just right. Now.......... you gonna rivet this giant lol? Cheers Bevan
  2. Hi Rich, they look amazing. Wouldn't mind some close up shots! Do you have to paint them or do they come pre coloured? I know there are guys on here who will be drooling over that Dornier 217. Cheers Bevan
  3. Great selection of schemes and nice job reviewing. Cheers Bevan
  4. You're an AM junkie Jeroen!
  5. Lovely work there Ralph, you must be chuffed with the result. Cheers Bevan
  6. Fantastic result Wouter! Although the standout for me is that amazing cockpit, all that extra work has really made it a thing of beauty. BOOM! BOOM! Cheers Bevan
  7. That'll look awesome when finished........... got this kit as well. Cheers Bevan
  8. Great work. Love the camo colours and subtle weathering. Put together with that base and bit of original steel adds up to a very pleasing result. Cheers Bevan
  9. Aaron, the 109 is on the back burner for a while. Fuse is together and riveted. I built the wings up as complete units so I could rivet them more easily and that's about it. Trying to clear the shelf of doom with some 48th stuff. Don't re do the 88 just build another one and see the difference! Cheers Bevan
  10. Cracken stuff Aaron, always a tough challenge to do a winter camo probably why I haven't yet. How did you get onto the tutorial, how many people? Would've been a blast. Cheers Bevan
  11. Looks awesome, your skills really have come along way, Cheers Bevan.
  12. THAT is amazeing............. the work on the 88 isn't too shabby either. Cheers Bevan.
  13. Cheers glad you like the E1. For the gloss coat I use automotive acrylic clear thinned with gp thinner. The flat coat is Testors Dullcoat also thinned with gp thinner. Hope this helps. Bevan.
  14. Amazing detail and just as amazing paint work to bring it all to life. Love it. Cheers Bevan
  15. Cool schemes...........
  16. Man, that's a cracker!! Cheers Bevan.
  17. She looks pretty damn sweet though! Pitty about the decals. You could say "This is Nooky Booky just before the squadron artist had his way with her" Would be a shame to see all that work gone to waste. Cheers Bevan.
  18. Slow and steady wins the race..... good progress.
  19. Good start John, will be following with interest.
  20. Mate, if it's plastic and got wings..........it's cool in my book!! Reckon you've done a pearla of a job on it Dave and it is something different to boot. Awesome. Cheers Bevan
  21. Another fine build there Mike, fantastic result. I've got the small wheel bulge inserts for my G10 from Barra and gotta say not the best fit. I double checked with the kit plastic, no probs......... did you have any issues at all. Not complaining, maybe just one of those things. I am however building the wings up as separate units to slide on after like Hasegawa for ease of riveting but still find the kits plastic to be a better fit. We've had some extremely hot days here in the last few weeks so may have caused some srinkage? Anyway I'll stop rambling now.. Cheers Bevan
  22. James, incredible attention to detail, I love it. Got a WnW in the stash I look at the plastic from time to time but keep putting it back in the box in fear of completely screwing it up. Perfection in the making..... Cheers Bevan
  23. Fantastic result, so glad you didn't bin it....would've been a waste of time and money but I think we've all been there. Bevan
  24. The camo masks look to have paid off, the decals look great also. Top notch work! Cheers Bevan.
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