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Reuben L. Hernandez

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Everything posted by Reuben L. Hernandez

  1. Just found out about Harv’s passing through Bev, his lovely wife. I meet Harv and Bev a few years ago, while he and Bev were in San Antonio, TX., for a convention. Only meet them both for a few hours, broke bread, went to a few local hobby stores and just talked. He made me feel like I knew him all my life. Was very kind and funny. We messaged each other, through out the years and through his ordeal, and always asked how I was doing, and always said, “I love you buddy.” After every conversation. With Harv, he genuinely meant it, they just weren’t words, Bev confirmed this. The world is sadder today, because our modeling brother has left us. Our Father has called Harv home, his job on earth is finished. May Harv Rest in Peace and may the Lord bring Peace to Bev and the entire family, during this time. Just a bit of our conversation today: “Hi Reuben, I remember you Yes, my dear Harvey passed away yesterday morning early in the morning I don’t really know exactly what happened, but I do know if he ran out of breath He loved you guys all of you just know that please.” ”World War II airplanes was his life! He loved models he loved you guys he loved the camaraderie he loved buying selling and trading airplane models.” Im proud to call Harv my “buddy.” Reuben
  2. John, I might be able to help with your quest. I believe I have everything except the SH P-39, but I’ll have to check the stash tomorrow. Reuben
  3. Just that their void of any detail and what there is, only goes back half way.
  4. Looks great. Tell me, did you fix the landing gear bays, or did you leave as is? Reuben
  5. Very nice build Ernie. Reuben
  6. Very nice Peter, think this might be my next build to get my mojo back. Looking at doing Happy Jacks Go Buggy
  7. Just received my first set of these “decals”, for my Tamiya’s P-51, and I gotta say, these things look amazing on their backing sheet. Can’t wait to see your set in the Spitfire.
  8. Very nicely done, maybe someday I get around to building mine, and hopefully it comes out as nice as yourself did!
  9. Very nice, all of them.
  10. Very nice Jerry, when I get around to building mine, it’s gonna be the same scheme. I like his background story of the oddball pilot.
  11. Fantastic Lib, I hope mine comes out as nice as your did. Very inspirational.
  12. Fantastic build as always John
  13. Very nicely done John, how did you handle the landing gear bay?
  14. Hey Harv, my WNW collection is pretty meager right now only have 3 kits and my experience with WWI kits and rigging is even sadder. Looking forward to building either a Albatros or a Snipe first but I love those German markings and colorful schemes
  15. Great looking builds and very inspirational. Looking to start getting my collection going if WNW kits very soon
  16. Looking good John. Have the British version and the Victor set as well looking at your build with great interest
  17. I want like Santa to bring World Peace, cure all illnesses and end poverty but they if I can’t have that then I want the following: B-17F, B-24J, Ho229 of course in 32nd scale. Thats about it I’m a simple man. Merry Christmas all! Reuben
  18. Very cool thanks for posting
  19. Thanks guy for the warm welcome glad to be here !
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