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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Good tip Matt, what do you use as a work surface in which case? Your painting is always so good it'd be interesting to know (so I can copy it )
  2. Whoa, that's outstanding Ralph - I love it. Fantastic exhaust staining and the chipping makes this a super, grimey, well used butcher bird, super.
  3. I agree, very clean and sharp Cees - must be the beer! I really am looking forward to seeing this come along further. The brutish ugliness is still an attractive feature of the Beaufighter for me, as we said.
  4. I'm glad this subject has been brought up, I've never thought of this before and nearly always use a paper towel as a work surface. I think I'll track down some blue motor trade towel and give that a try. Also, "Q" tips, it never occurred to me that the medical ones would have a tighter spun cotton wool to them - hell's teeth, I'm dim !! Right, off to track down some new supplies!!
  5. Bombed already Jeroen The detail those HGW fins make is amazing. Well worth it.
  6. Nice ......... looking forward to this one!
  7. Hi Ken, I've a very small online shop of just 6 months old here : www.arrow-wolf.com; I'd be delighted to hear from you at grant@arrow-wolf.com and see what we can do together. Thanks for asking!! Grant
  8. Oh goodie good, two Beaufighters possibly ?? Oh, I hope so. As you said Cees, the brutish lines are so attractive - it was a purposeful looking aircraft. You just knew what it was there for. Yup, I really hope you go for it George.
  9. Good work Jeroen. Looking forward to much more.
  10. The Night Attack F/A-18 is difficult to get over here now .. I searched most of the market over here and still couldn't find one. Nice catch Matt, I've got the Red Devils version in stock which, if the Night Attack is anywhere close to the quality of the Red Devils then it looks like a great kit.
  11. Those copper pipes look so authentic as to be uncanny. I have to say that this is, by far, by miles, the best Mosquito I've ever seen - without doubt.
  12. Superb Jamme, absolutely superb! The masked letters & roundels are gorgeous.
  13. That's very spiffy Jeroen. Just for once it's a pity we're limited to a/c and armour because I'd love to see your U-Boat Conning Tower again, it's a fantastic build and one of my all time favourites.
  14. Superb job, Itchy. Really nice and clean. Cable operated rudders etc? They must have had legs muscles like Samson to operate them.
  15. It is gorgeous isn't it. Great review Jim and I completely agree about the boxing .. .it's the same for the Oberursel engine and was one aspect that I was mildly disappointed with, although it's nice to see a manufacturer concentrating so much on products that the containers take 2nd place in their priorities. I'm sure this will be rectified soon.
  16. Hi Steve, I don't mean to jump in where others have an interest but I recently sent a whole load of decals etc to someone in Australia (Victoria) for the princely sum of £3.30 via Royal Mail so, unless you've "bulk ordered" from Czechoslovakia then I shouldn't think the costs would be too bad. I say this purely in conversation and not to advertise or anything, but I've had to learn the ins and outs of shipping very quickly and I've discovered that If I need to send anything via courier then it's better to choose one through a shipping agent (I always canvas 3 agents and Royal Mail). The shippers enjoy huge discounts with the carriers by, I suppose, the sheer volume they send in a year so for an individual (or a tiny company like mine) who's sendings turnover is minute, it makes sense to use them. Whenever I go direct to the couriers' web site - just to check - I always find them to be over twice the price of a shipping agent's quote. For example, the other day I sent a normal sized, 1/32nd, model to the States, the UPS' web site quoted £58 (FedEx were circa £80 and ParcelForce £153!!) and I booked the exact same UPS service via an agent and paid £25 (a UPS van collected the parcel 3 hours after I booked it!!). Some might say even that's still expensive but, compared to what? compared to all the other prices on the day, it was cheap.
  17. Oh yeah, looking forward to seeing these (and hopefully have one or two in my shop!)
  18. Firstly, Hi Linx and welcome to LSM - we're glad to see you and look forward to seeing more of your builds, armour or otherwise. Very nice WIP so far and, as Jamme says ... a nice stash you've got to keep you going as well. The box art seem to show a "Tommy" standing and looking at the 88mm gun, are you going to paint this as captured or as the original German scheme? either way it's going to look very nice I'm sure, and I looking forward to it.
  19. Welcome Danny (again) - that's just beyond words .. Except to say I love it !!
  20. That's way too cool! Beautiful, shabby, well used 'Schmitt ... Fantastic
  21. Wait to you see my review of the dual combo Spitfire Mk.ix's. they're absolutely gorgeous and match their bigger brothers beautifully.
  22. I checked and found exactly that stuff on Amazon. ... I suppose (I assume) you could check the NZ equivalent.
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