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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Wonderful work Jeroen, man you raise the bar high!
  2. I wish my wife was as, shall we say, trusting !! Then again, I'm not sure you'd notice any extra dust in our house That Lewis Gun and mounting are just Stunning !!!!!! The photo etch screams quality. Great job as always mate.
  3. I couldn't agree more Iain. I wasn't intending to comment any further beyond my last post where I suggested that we agree to disagree but .... as a final comment from me on this particular thread. I'd like say that this latest exchange is very unusual and the complete opposite of the typically friendly banter and camaraderie that has become the norm at LSM. I honestly hope you stay - your work and knowledge would certainly add greatly to our forum. Done.
  4. Oh yeah! Sweet. Have you bought the correction set for then elevators (One side "metal" one side "canvas"). You seem to have got everything else
  5. Very clever - enjoyed it!
  6. Fabulous Rick ...oh! absolutely agree about Flory Washes. So quick and so easy too (the smallest drop of washing up liquid in with the Flory Wash help prevent beading by the way). I love the Soviet markings!
  7. Stunning, stunning, stunning !!! the weathering is just amazing ... that's one very grubby bird - as I suspect they were in those days. Fantastic choice of colours too.
  8. Interesting, I hadn't heard that from anyone else Dave but I'll watch for that - probably needs a clear coat over it to seal it in as such. I do know a number of people use the Dark Iron for engines and, instead of dry brushing, they just rub a finger (wrapped in a soft cloth or not) over the high points and that achieves a very good, highlighted, motor. Obviously, that needs a clear coat afterwards to avoid it being continually "polished" each time it's handled but I'm told it's very good stuff - also other "metals" for the jet nozzles etc - it gives you as much or as little shine as you want.
  9. Silly question Dave, what's the difference between this and the Mr Metal Colour I have in stock, are they more buffable than the Mr Metal Colour? Or are they the same but for the name? I must confess that I find the way Gunze Sangyo name and organise their products somewhat confusing and I haven't quite got a hang of it yet.
  10. Me too, I've got a subscription to the digital version of MIM and I buy the occasional Tamiya one as well, I like all of the reasons above PLUS the ability to "zoom" into pictures that take my interest. Great value for money.
  11. Gorgeous Spit Jamme, I've got one in my stash and yours makes want to break it out sooner rather than later!! Inspiring build Jamme, very inspiring indeed.
  12. Sweet !! That coupled with the new photo table should have sorted you ought fully now.
  13. I love this kit, always wanted it but haven't managed to get my hands on one yet (business comes first). What a superb job Paul, I love it.
  14. I bet there are now loads of us trying to work out how to get away with that Jeroen!! Great progress buddy.
  15. I'm not sure on what basis you've arrived at your third point but, we're not going to agree Steve so let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.
  16. Ben, If Tony O'Toole would like his book (Part 1) reviewed by LSM & SP&R, I'm sure the reviewers would be happy to do so; it will reach a fair amount of people that could well add to Tony's sales. Perhaps you'd ask him?
  17. That's a great tip re masking the ribs and spraying them to get the over-spray Jeroen, thanks for that. That's another technique banked in the tip box.
  18. Steve, you've quoted my comments completely out of context and replied with exactly the type of input I was talking about .. "Be happy in your ignorance, embrace it" ??? - thank you.
  19. I disagree Nick, Iain was encouraged to continue only after many people PM'd him (I was one along with LSP Kev) and asked him to reconsider withdrawing from the thread completely. His review of his UHU was, as you say, very constructive but at its height the criticism he received for an honest appraisal was so vindictive as to be unsavoury to say the least. For some reason, some quarters then took it that he was being particularly anti-Revell which was not the case at all. That person was asked to rein in both their comments and aggressive style whereafter, I believe, the thread continued. Tantrums were not apparent to me, Iain reacted with dignity to a particularly aggressive attack on his appraisal; he didn't lash out, he merely stated his intent to stop. Once the criticisms became less viscous and more levelled the thread continued.
  20. I agree Matt, in fact that's part of what I was saying .. the discussion (and the manufacturers processes) ought to be about the quality of the kit overall, it's fit and it's manufacturing standard etc. Not necessarily the minute detail which the buffs, who really do know their subject, the accuracy or otherwise of a kit, can in certain circumstances make those modellers who don't make that aspect a priority when deciding what to buy and build, feel like ignoramuses. On the other "LS" forum, one person who tried to highlight the pro's and con's of the then newly released Revell He-219 was so hounded by members who do place accuracy above all else that he was eventually "forced" to stop posting any of his observations for fear of being shouted down. He's now a member here and is a builder who knows his stuff and one who I respect for his skills. Know you subject yes, but allow others to have the option to buy and build their model of choice without being made to feel silly - this, I believe is where Styrenedemon was coming from and I agree with him.
  21. I kinda agree with Styrene here - look what happened to the Revell Hs219 ... everyone was so excited about its arrival then some became so worked up about a millimetre here or there or a degree's difference in angle there that no one wanted to build it until ZM's was launched for comparison. If you like the look of a model, or the type of aircraft and you see one that you want, buy it and build it. Surely the discussion should be about the quality of manufacture and not a millimetre's difference that the majority wouldn't notice nor care about really.
  22. http://www.arrow-wolf.com/product/trumpeter-fairey-swordfish-mkii/ Less 10% and free shipping in UK.
  23. Whoa!! Reckon that's about the same as my Zero. Hide everything!!! Don't let the other half find out or "Swish ...." 'Nads gone.
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