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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Ah man, Chris!! this is extraordinary work sir ... I absolutely love this build. If my modelling skills get even half as good as yours, I'll be a happy man. Those engines are a work of art in themselves but it's the gun bay that does it for me.
  2. I've just looked and Amazon have it .. I assume the Dutch equivalent will too but presumably it'll be orange latex.
  3. OMG, How do you "unthink" an image like that ??!! Thanks Cees!! Fantastic job on the model Jeroen - that chipping detail is so subtle ! Fantastic.
  4. I agree .... very nice and can I have some to sell ???
  5. Petr, welcome to LSM ... it's really the best of the large scale forums. ! PS: What about a Do-17!!? dream/think .. rarity !
  6. Super review Dave .. .and I just so happen to have got some in stock last week !! They are gorgeous.
  7. Whoa! Danny, that's absolutely gorgeous ... who doesn't love a Bf109 ? !! The base sets it off beautifully.
  8. D'you know, I'm not sure I entirely believe what my eyes are telling me. Fantastic modelling skills Tom ... and you've got them all. I'm always in awe of modellers who think nothing of vac-forming their own canopies or knocking up a quick mould to cast their own engines etc. Incredible.
  9. Wow, that's nice - I agree with Dave, out of the park!
  10. That's looking quite fine Mr Dave. This Track Wash, how do does one use it?? I like the idea of that.
  11. Fabulous .. it's almost a model in itself !!
  12. Amazing ... absolutely beautiful Ralph, the amount of weathering is spot on. More please!
  13. Oooh, looking forward to this ... It'd be nice to see some RAF colours on a jet for a change! I've got a "J" in my Stock Stash !!
  14. I'm actually quite excited about this !
  15. Yup, my gut is telling me I'll never achieve the skills on show here - very, very clever.
  16. Wow, that's pretty Gregory. Forgive me, but what scale is it?
  17. Both are equally fantastic ! Jan, the weathering underneath is gorgeous and I'm looking forward to seeing the next stage. Doogs, well, as always .... Sweet.
  18. I agree with Anthony, I've seen clean builds but yours is the first, weathered build I've seen to date. Simply gorgeous, I love it.
  19. I'm so glad you've gone for the Crusader - this will be great fun to watch, I'm certain of that!
  20. I swear I read the label on the bottle in the third picture as "Laxative"!! I won't say, in polite company, what went through my mind ! Those wings are just gorgeous Darren! Keep 'em coming!
  21. Fascinating !! Roy's rad & cowl bits look superb, so crisp! Lovely stuff - I'll risk saying again ... So glad you've picked up this chalice again Iain - I've three in the stock cupboard if you want any more
  22. Nice jug Iain ... I'd be fascinated to know where the likes of you, James, Doogs, Dave J. Et Al find the time to push out these terrific models with such apparent ease and quality. Amazing.
  23. Yup, I agree ... I'm really glad to pick up on this again Iain. Terrific work .
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