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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Thanks for the info Darren ... I'll definitely be investigating it further. It looks seriously good.
  2. Thanks Darren, could you email any contact details on the wrapper? They look really good! Cheers.
  3. I like it Jamme! Very nice indeed .... I've got this in my stash (the 2nd model I bought when coming back to modelling in fact) but will probably follow Rick's example and get the resin replacements. Hobby Boss really ought to have issued a correction set in my mind ... That was an awful mistake to make.
  4. Thanks Paul, I'll have a look at them and, as their site suggests, drop them a line. Cheers.
  5. Looks terrific mate ... whose "fabric" effect lozenge decals are they?? They looks really authentic
  6. Whoa ! Am going have to have a look at this stuff - Paul, can you send me some details of it ... Perhaps a web address or something, I can see this being used by people who excel in those fabulous dio's of abandoned and aged cars, tanks, trains etc. Can you vary the degree to which it "rusts up" ? Or the depth of the rust??
  7. Actually, that figures ... The Japanese are inherently insular in the first place and they then look towards the rest of the world which is contra to elsewhere.
  8. Well, I think I know why I thought you should be a part of LSM .... Fabulous work Darren and to think that you believe you've made too many mistakes on this and are using it as a rehearsal for another model makes me shake my head in disbelief for what will come in the future. Great job.
  9. Wow, that F-84 looks sensational Matt.
  10. To some extent it depends on your budget ... the Zoukei-Mura P-51 or Skyraider are both superb ... loads of additional detail built in that won't be seen (but that doesn't matter because YOU know it's there). I agree with Mike ... Revell's He-111 and Ju-88 are almost a requirement to do in 1/32nd as are Tamiya's Spitfires. Trumpeter's MiG-3 builds up into an interesting subject as does their Swordfish. More modern stuff (winged blow-torches) - Trumpeter's MiG 29M Fulcrum rates quite high. Oh, and anything else in my shop !!
  11. Strange, I would have thought that the USA would be their MOST important market, like so many manufacturing companies (and not necessarily in the modelling arena).
  12. Belated birthday wishes Colin!! Sorry this was so late but hope you had a wonderful day deeply immersed in plastic!
  13. Wow, interesting Steve, thanks for that! Revell seem to be in a panic to grab whatever spare revenue is out there before Tamiya take all the limelight.
  14. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the Lancaster but even more keen and eager to see a Mosquito. The other aircraft I'd like to see is a decently detailed Beaufighter in 1/32nd much like the recent quality Mustangs, Spitfire, Skyraider etc. Then again, perhaps it's not main stream enough for a maker to invest huge sums in research, tooling, marketing etc to produce one - Spits, Mossies, Lanc's, 109's etc Yes!, they have a "school boy poster on the wall" sort of romantic or iconic aura about them but some of the lesser known don't stand much chance outside of a special interest group. I was mildly surprised by the P-61 being produced but then, when thinking about it, anything that's even remotely Pacific related would understandably appeal to the largest market of all - the USA. Anyway, for my 2 cents ... Tamiya's next large bird (following the Corsair) would be the Hurricane - 1) It would complete their line-up of famous Allied fighters in the European Theatre; 2) Their latest, forthcoming, release is a Pacific Theatre aircraft and if, say, they're alternating then a E.T.O fighter would seem logical.
  15. Congratulations on the new job Matt, wish you all the best for the future.
  16. Well, this just made a very interesting build into a fascinating one. I can't wait to see how you do this Dave.
  17. Great aerial photos - man, how cold must that be?? snow on the ground and incredible wind-chill. I hope he's got heated gloves and boots!
  18. I didn't know that Dave .. The Germanic look makes sense now looking at it.
  19. Bl**dy hell Darren, that's seriously good. Love it. Grant. PS: Is that using your "system"?
  20. I agree, looks really good Harv although I'm not sure how the pilot saw through that tinted windscreen!
  21. OK, is it a Green fuselage with metal paint or metal skin with green blotches ?? it might even be a red fuselage with green and aluminium splodges Love this Hein - as Jim says, it's almost German in looks but not very WnW's.
  22. Looking good (x2) !!
  23. Looking good ! Who doesn't love a Spitfire eh?
  24. I'd watch. I've also told my supplier to reserve them for me!!
  25. COOL,!! Thanks for the heads up Dave..
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