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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Well, for a first post it's pretty cool! Aside from the weapons as you mentioned, it looks terrific.
  2. ALERT .... A severe shortage of Alclad had just been reported in the Netherlands ..... ALERT PS: beautiful build Jeroen.
  3. Looks like Picture A (the first) to me....
  4. Great find Dave ... looking forward to following along.
  5. Jeez, you're not kidding ... this should be a mandatory follow along for everyone on LSM !
  6. Nice progress Daz, I didn't spot your build earlier but will certainly follow along now.
  7. Nice! A real "Designers" work room, library red walls .... Very nice!
  8. Not sure how I missed this but, hells teeth Cees, you're doing a great job on this. I love the Beaufighter - it's always has been a huge favourite of mine.
  9. Gorgeous. Lovely work Jeroen, as always. Can't wait to see it sitting on it's "Max'd" out base.
  10. Whoa !!! Paul, that's a fabulous build thread ... It's really worthwhile seeing some of those comparative shots between the kit parts and after-market parts too, it certainly highlights what you can get / achieve when you shell out on added items - accuracy and detail. << note to self .... HK models - consider adding to inventory ! >>
  11. Brilliant Question ! I've only got recent models / kits so can't contribute but, love that Hunter !
  12. Thomas, these are the same people (I think) who have now issued a 1/16th Mitsubushi Zero which I'm also building. It's huge, working lights and everything, and you have the choice as to whether to show it without the "skin" or with all the spars and ribs etc showing.
  13. Sooooo!, won't be seeing much of you then ! Well, that's just rude !! (incredible kit by the way). PS: Talking of brazing .. I'm trying to teach myself soldering .. got a little butane pencil soldering iron thingy and have ordered some solder with flux core .. don't need anything beyond that, do I?
  14. I popped this in the Great War GB thread but ..... This is joining the British Mk.4 Now I'm looking for replacement Maxim LMG08 barrels as the kit ones are bound to be pants - any suggestions, I've checked the usual suspects.
  15. Thanks for the plug !!! I've been fascinated by these ever since they came out. I might have mentioned it before but once finished, I'm going to get them framed for the office wall.
  16. It was so convincing I was certain I was having my leg pulled but no .... that's how it was done. In fact, it was by Pfuf who's become a member of here I believe: I'm sure Johan wouldn't mind me posting a picture of the finished aircraft. I couldn't find the WIP but check out the "brass" radiator ring and bear in mind it's been dulled down and weathered as well.
  17. I don't know Ern., who do you think? Talking of which there was a remarkable docudrama about their early beginnings in music hall and variety etc. screened a while ago on the Beeb. The guy playing Eric was uncanny in his mannerisms etc. Great program..
  18. Stunning, absolutely stunning ... can you build mine, please
  19. I saw a tremendous technique once where someone used Tamiya clear yellow over aluminium or silver. I've been dying to try it. It really was very convincing, a great representation of brass.
  20. Oh, I don't know ... I thought that was rather clever / funny !!
  21. Well, you can get her to "stump up" with some money for a new airbrush !! B'boom! I Thank you ....
  22. Cracking review Nick, great looking book too. Have you seen Uschi's reusable disc stencils btw? G
  23. Sweet Paul, very sweet. There's some great schemes coming out for the F-16 at the moment. Grant
  24. Alright bloody Houdini! - sanding and cutting then, and if you've run out of those, use the wife's nail files and cuticle cutters ! Get out of that !!
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