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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Wow, thanks Mikey .. they're useful. I particularly like the first link.
  2. I like it .. very nice - what's the method? pin in the wall and some nylon thread around the tail? It's very effective too and, whoa - nice stash. You're at university right? let me guess .. an aviation degree of some sort? Grant
  3. Derek? Derek who? Just kidding !! I'm so glad you've made it over here Derek. Wouldn't be the same without your moonlit avatar !
  4. Whoa, that's very clever and very effective. Great pictures Owl.
  5. Well I'm not a prober (!) but I'm staggered by your Fokker ! Beautiful.
  6. Oh that's nice! I absolutely love the belly interior and the gunnery parts. Fabulous. Grant.
  7. Also available at your favourite on-line Large Scale Modeller friendly store, Arrow Wolf.
  8. It's not fair ... rigging, NMF along with tonal changes! is there nothing you can't do?
  9. Hell's teeth ! that's beautiful. I know where to come for rigging lessons ! Grant
  10. Well that's not rubbish is it? Cracking build Dave .. love the weathering and the streaky oil. Regards, Grant "The Snipe" PS: Looking at the oil, did you know that most fighter pilots suffered from the most debilitating case of the "pharaoh's two-step" - it was because of all the castor oil that was vaporised and subsequently breathed in. Urgh!.
  11. I'd never heard of Eureka before your review Nick, applause .. it was very informative and I immediately went and looked (and bookmarked) their site. Terrific - thanks.
  12. Love it .. absolutely love it. For a monochrome colour scheme you've managed to give it texture and variation. Super.
  13. That clown is freaking me out !! I hate clowns !!!
  14. Wow, they are superb ... <<note to self, follow up on the Gas Patch contact >>>
  15. Beautiful build Rick. Really superb.
  16. Wow, stunning Dave and I agree with everyone else ... those are the best Eduard belts I've seen (or perhaps they're made elsewhere ? Hmmm) Grant
  17. Ordered ! Not the easiest site to navigate I must say, and it's not clear whether you get charged postage or not - then you confirm to buy and then ... nothing. Obviously an emailed invoice arrives but it's all very puzzling.
  18. Cheers Dave ... am browsing as we speak. Grant
  19. Thanks Dave .. I'll certainly have a look at them. OoooKaaay, begining to get a message here..... KIT tracks crap ..... A-A tracks good! Hmm note to self. Get the A-A tracks Grant and don't be a Twat ! Perhaps I ought to have the address for the gun barrel Dave ... ta.
  20. HA! b*ggered that one up didn't I !!! I was in too much of a hurry to get one and didn't read what had gone before closely enough. Lost my chance to do a female as Martin says Thanks Dave, I'll stick with this one I think.
  21. Got one ! So ... what with a Female and a Hermaphrodite already on board, I thought I'd get this one to complete the set Grant
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