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Everything posted by 1to1scale

  1. Decals were punched out of the decal sheet and some bezels were painted. My biggest complaint about the Revell kit, the instrument decal does not come close to matching the plastic IP. I probably should have invested in a Yahu panel, but this is a commission build and the cockpit will be closed with a pilot (dead), so not much of the cockpit will be seen.
  2. Of course, gotta start with the cockpit... Some modification was in order, it was desired that the canopy could be closed, so I had modified the Churchill salute arm to come down about 15 degrees so Eddie’s arm can fit under the canopy. Thumb was opened a little to sit on the trigger.
  3. This is the latest build, which I am building for someone, some of the details were specified by them...so, this will not be “correct” BOB Mk.II. I am using the new Revell 1/32 Iron Maiden edition Spitfire. The only extras will be the G-factor gear and an acrylic rod.
  4. I did some in-chipping for some of the areas. In other words, I fixed some f-ups.
  5. Ok, I was going by the Picture of the Skyhawk with the FS colors, I must have missed to part about BS colors. I totally missed the fact you were holding up two different color sheets. Sherlock Holmes I am not...
  6. Those are easy colors to get, they are the same colors as early F-18s. And same era F-14s. And I’ll let you in on a secret, I use whatever color I think is right, not what the instructions, or the plastic nazis tell me. I have never had anyone tell me I used the wrong colors on a model, because when it comes down to it, as long as the colors balance in contrast to each other, it usually looks correct. I have also started judging in my clubs local contests, and one thing we never do is judge on paint color, and if they used the correct shade of RLM02 or not. If the shades look relatively correct, and in proper balance, it’s not even a factor. The only thing we ever knocked a model for, was that one particular F-14 had four different shades of white on it.
  7. I’m in TN. I currently have all 4 of the SEA camo colors, and I have most all of the RLM colors except desert. I also have some USN WW2 and 60’s colors. But I need to fill in some holes, and need black, insignia white, a couple WW2 green colors. At this time I’m trying to fill in paints depending on my next 2 projects. So I’m slowly getting the paints I need, it helps tremendously that Sprue Bros carries them now. But they do sell out fast.
  8. I am making the transition to lacquer, I have about 25 MRP paints now, I still have yet to do a project with them though. As it’s hard to get certain colors, they always seem to be sold out. But I do have a project coming up soon.
  9. Funny, nobody knocked, and we were home until 2:45 pm. Gotta love the USPS.
  10. I was stoned. But the bunnies actually were gone by the time I got my phone to take a picture. Later that month my wife saw them too. But not the only wildlife we had, possums, skunks, and rats were around. And once we had an animal control officer knocking on doors looking for a large Boa.
  11. I would love to have one of those, the closest we got was the impala SS, which is a Holden 4 door.
  12. Great story! Bunnies and Chickens story. ...reminds me of about four years ago I had shoulder surgery in mid December, when I woke up, or at least when I could start remembering things. I sat up in bed and the nurse handed me a a plastic trough, I asked Me “what this for?” Nurse. “to throw up in” Me. “I don’t need to throw....” Needless to say, the pain and nausea hit me so hard I threw up an old pair of gym socks missing since the 80’s. ...good thing was, I got lot of very strong drugs! So for the next few days I was only moderately in pain. i had to sleep in a recliner because I could not lay down, 30 degrees was the most I could do. But, getting back to the story, the next morning, I woke up because my drugs had worn off around 6:30 am. My wife gave me my pills and then went to the bathroom. I was looking out the bedroom window and yelled to my wife...”there are bunnies in the backyard!” She said “OK”, thinking I was on good drugs. A few minutes later, I said “now there are chickens and roosters” She yelled back, “go back to sleep, it’s just the drugs” I said ”no, really!” Her response was..”sure...I believe you” “no, really...I see them!” One last “I’m sure you do” was yelled back at me. I took these photos from my chair through the window to prove I was not hallucinating....
  13. As of this morning, it has arrived in the same state, good chance I’ll get it next week.
  14. Two weeks ago the tracking said it was in New York, for the last week, it has said it was “in transit”. Our US postal system a little slow.
  15. The rumor was just a typo in a press release, it turns out it was 1/72. So, no joy.
  16. Good deal on some kits for the group build today!
  17. I have picked my poison... Trumpeter F-117 Aerobonus Ejection seat and pilot Caracal Decals MRP or Tamiya paint really just a simple build, no PE, just OOB, maybe some solder wires.
  18. That’s the thing, if you go into a crappy kit with the intention of making it right, you don’t waste time fixing the crap. A resin cockpit, AM gear and wheels, Squadron canopy, and fill in any lines or holes, you are left with a good representation of a Mig-15. While not perfect, I’m happy.
  19. So someone has hinted at a “rumor” of a 1/32 plastic Mig-31 possibly being released in the next year or two, and that may be Trumpeter. Anyone else hear of this rumor?
  20. If you need, I have a full set of spare decals for the Ki-84, just let me know if you need them.
  21. I’m almost done. Figures are painted, need to finish weathering, I’m almost there.
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