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Everything posted by 1to1scale

  1. I have a 7 year old, he has radar, he knows when we even touch each other.
  2. Ernie’s blood is already 33% resin dust, too late now...
  3. Thanks, I’m not done with USN grays yet, F-14 is waiting on decals, I started on a ZM F-4S yesterday, and I have a Polish and Ukrainian Mig-29’s coming up, all using grays. I ought to get a hang of this by then.
  4. Finished up painting today, happy with it, ended up using 7 different grays.
  5. I tried, but it broke down at the PayPal payment page.
  6. A little more paint progress today, more to come.
  7. Sweet! I have been wanting the AMK, but stock is low everywhere, as soon as a few places get it, I’ll be ordering one. And I will build it in takeoff mode, on the cat.
  8. That’s ok with me, I prefer the closed up version, however I may go for a wingfold. Unfortunately, the flaps are PE as a standard inclusion. I think this kit may suffer from a bit of the short run clunkyness, but that’s ok, I Have always Liked this plane. Now if they can make a Curtis Seamew for me...the love child of a Helldiver and a Kingfisher. And yes, after posting this I found the tread on LSP where they posted updates.
  9. Here ya go Harv, 1/200 kingfisher, this needs some detail work. https://www.scalehobbyist.com/catagories/Model_Aircraft/os2u-1-kingfisher-seaplane/TRP00004201/product.php?sc=200
  10. Using up my entire stash of Tamiya tape again.
  11. I think this is a good idea considering their circumstances, personally, I would rather have seen the Mustang be restored back to original, not a show warbird, but factory original.
  12. I hope so, I put money aside back last March, and have been patiently waiting.
  13. So, my question I ask, What’s the deal with Infinity Models? Where is the Helldiver? I understand that we are in Civid crisis around the world, but It has been nearly 6 months since it was supposed to come out. Has anyone heard anything new? Hell, in that time, Wingnut Has gone out of business, Meng decided to put out the DR.1, and I now have it sitting on my workbench, whereas Infinity were showing sprue shots 6 months ago. Are they still working on it?
  14. Hey John, just a reminder...they DO sell bondo in gallon cans.
  15. You are right, the one small seam I filled with ca just ahead of the windscreen is fine, no shrinkage. If I can figure out how to strip the lacquer paint from the tail, I’ll probably dig out the trench and refill it with CA. I can probably strip all the markings and AK paint fairly easily, it’s the lacquer I am most concerned about removing.
  16. Looks great, but you corrupted me...I have an F-4C coming my way.
  17. Oh,I forgot, every single seam line shrank back. There is a line running from the radiator inlet all the way to the tail. Every time I pick it up, it gets worse. I am giving up Mr Surfacer 500 forever.
  18. For anyone interested, this build just kept having little screw ups, mostly my fault. To list them, here they are... 1. This was the first build I used AK Extreme Metals paint, I used it as I was told I could, applied over Bare plastic, and actually, the bare plated plastic of the Tamiya special edition kit. Mistake #1 as the paint started peeling off the kit under the tape. I spot repaired some areas, and it looked fine, but I needed to avoid using tape later. 2. Painting the yellow areas. I used Mr Color paint and neglected to put a white primer under it, because I thought the yellow would cover fine over the aluminum finish, it did not. I had to spray many coats to cover, which left a thick layer near the masking tape. I did try sanding it, but it did not completely fix the problem. My fault, I used a paint I never used before for the first time without testing. 3. HGW wet transfers, I initially used MicroSol under these, and everything worked fine. However, I never finished, and when I came back to finish 2 months later, I started using Mr Softer, this was a mistake, as sometime in the last couple years, HGW must have changed the transfers, because this stuff glued the transfers and the peel away film to the paint, taking chunks of the plating and paint with it, that is if I could actually get the film to peel up. 4. Time to do a wash. Oh crap, I used enamel AK paint, I can’t use my normal enamel wash. So I did some testing and used flory clay wash. All was going well, until I noticed that the AK metal paint was rubbing off, everywhere, but more specifically, where one particular shade, aluminum, was. As I kept removing the wash, and handling the model, it got worse, and worse. I had planned to repaint the wingtips, but I was finding more and more areas where the paint was coming off. At this point I had few “f**ks to give” and my heart was not in it anymore.
  19. Tamiya P-51D Mustang...R.I.P. 4/16/20 - 10/01/20 Today I ended work on my Tamiya P-51D. After a lot of work, everything just kept going wrong, and wrong, and wrong. So I officially stuck a fork in it and retired it to the shelf of doom. Someday, I may pull it down and either strip the interior and engine out of it or strip the paint & repaint it, but for now, it’s done and forgotten.
  20. Yes, still a little light on 1/32, but give them a little time.
  21. Updated and added more photos.
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