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About JohnB

  • Birthday 08/15/1947

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  • Location
    North West Louisiana
  • Interests
    Primarily plastic and resin scale aircraft of WW II, Korea & Viet Nam. Some armor, ships and submarines.

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  1. All done and RFI. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/20585-ang-p-51-rfi/
  2. Finished with this one. I decided to build this model as a post war Air National Guard a/c. Something a little different from all those WW II birds. After market items are FineMolds belts and Barracuda wheels. I went to my decal stash to come up with all the needed markings. Nearly all are pieced together from various sheets and re-sized as needed on my computer. Painted with Alclad. I like the way it turned out and I hope you do too. 🙂 I decided to add the last 2 photos to show it's not quite as SHINY as the first ones posted. LOL 🙄
  3. Thanks Martin. Remember to always warm them up some though they can be bent without breaking. I use a coffee mug warmer to lay 'em on for a FEW seconds. 🙂
  4. NMF applied! I'm waiting for some resin wheels before attaching the landing gear. Supposed to deliver today.
  5. Ready for some NMF!
  6. I know how you feel Scott! I hate waiting and always try to work on some other aspect of the build to keep going. That's one reason I build "fast" LOL. 🙂
  7. Very nice work so far Scott. 🙂
  8. Coming along well and looking good Chris. I look forward to seeing the finished model. 🙂
  9. I found some in my stash of leftover parts. I didn't realize they were there but, when I decided to dig a little deeper, I found them. You just never know! Thanks Carl. 🙂
  10. Making some nice progress today. Yes, I know, the wheel wells were usually unpainted aluminum with only the main spar in the rear painted YZC. I decided to make a exception and paint my wells YZC. I think MAYBE at some point when going through depot work, etc the wells might have been painted. LOL Maybe, maybe not. At any rate the wells on this one are painted. 🙂
  11. I need some 1/32 rocket stubs. Does anyone make these as after market items? Thanks in advance. 🙂
  12. I plan to use Alclad Aluminum and Duraluminum after applying a base coat of gloss gray. 🙂
  13. Fuselage mostly done.
  14. Looking mighty good Scott. Outstanding cockpit! 🙂
  15. Thanks Chris. I didn't notice I had 'em backasswards until I put the fuselage halves together but I was able to correct it then. 🙂
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