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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Thanks for the kind words Peter. I'm happy you like the final product! Just because a kit is old doesn't mean it's not any good. Not sure about what's next. I pulled the ZM Skyraider off the SOD for another look but I'm undecided if I want to resume that one. 😄
  2. All done Peter. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/17040-hasegawa-148-f-4b-finished/
  3. This is the old Hasegawa (1983) release of this kit. It's been on my shelf for a looong time! It's still a great kit with good detail and excellent fit. I used a Aires cockpit, Quickboost seats, and AOA decals on the build. Painted with Testor's MM throughout. This a/c was flown by Maj. John Trotti from Chu Lai Vietnam in the late 60's. His book, Phantom Over Vietnam, was the "inspiration" for this build. I hope y'all will like the results of my efforts! Remember to click on the 1st photo for best resolution and to easily view as a slide show.
  4. Thank you Peter. I'm in the process of adding all the underwing stuff (doors, struts, drop tanks,etc) and should have it finished later today (with luck!).
  5. About finished with the decals. Next I'll overspray with clear semi-gloss then finish adding the rest of the pieces.
  6. Thanks Gaz. They are great decals but you have to be very careful with them.
  7. LOL Thanks Paul. This is a very easy kit with no real problems. Everything fits fine (a nice change from my last two builds!).
  8. Thanks! Yes, they are very nice decals. Printed by Microscale. Very thin, etc.
  9. Decaling coming right along. Those AOA decals are very thin and "touchy" but lay down well.
  10. Thank you Gaz. The first application just didn't look "right" although it was supposed to be Lt. Gull Gray (Humbrol/Monogram). I re-sprayed it with the last of my Model Master Flat Gull Gray then oversprayed that with Humbrol Gloss Coat. Looks okay I think. Now it's on to the decaling!
  11. Yes indeed the Mossie is a winner. As far as the Mustangs are concerned, I think they too are really good kits. The only "fly in the ointment" with them is the rivet patterns on the wings. Most '51's wings were coated (with epoxy I think) and the rivets weren't visible. Otherwise no problems.
  12. I agree it's a great kit but I have to say I think the Corsairs, all 3 issues, are at least as good.
  13. Great looking 'skeeter Peter! (No pun intended! LOL)
  14. Feel better soon Gaz! Remember, feed a cold and starve a fever. When I feel a cold coming on I always take some Zicam. Works wonders! Outstanding work on the diorama! Way more work than I'd want to undertake!
  15. Thank you Peter. I'll begin applying decals today!
  16. Painting complete. Decaling is next then I can attach the gear doors, etc.
  17. Painting coming right along. Still need to do some "adjustments" to the nose paint and add the coroguard to the wing and tail leading edges.
  18. Coming right along. And it's 101 degrees here! Bummer!!!!!
  19. Progress. Lt. Gull Gray uppers next.
  20. Sure seems that way lately.
  21. That's a good approach on those pitot tubes Peter. Proactive! I didn't realize I was missing one of those little scoops until I went to snip them off the tree. I'll work on making the stand-in look at least somewhat natural but it will still be a little different. Better than none though! LOL
  22. LOL Peter. Look closer, the bottom one is broken off! Easy to fix. One problem I found tonight is one of the little air scoops on the side of the nose is missing. Nowhere to be found. I went to my old spares/leftovers stash to see if I could come up with a suitable replacement. I found one that will work after a fashion and some trimming/filling but it won't match the other one. Bummer but better than nothing. 🙄
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