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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Coming along nicely Bill. Going to be a beauty for sure!
  2. Agreed Peter. It would be a waste of time and effort in my humble opinion.
  3. Thanks Bill. I look forward to seeing your A-1 done . What time period, Korean War or post war?
  4. The Skyraider is a cool airplane no doubt. Many schemes to choose from, SEA, Korea, cold war, etc. I hope this one turns out well to go with my 1st one.
  5. Got the engine together. Nope, I'm not gonna wire it up. Too much "work". LOL (Difficult to see with cowlings on anyway.)
  6. You have lots of company Peter. 😐
  7. I was just looking at that. Should be a help alright.
  8. Coming right along. And of course, I've already managed to break off the two little static dischargers on the rudder. No big surprise there! 😄
  9. I'll have to check their site out then Carl. Anything to make it easier!
  10. I plan to extend the wings on this one so we will see how it goes. Fingers crossed!
  11. It should be more enjoyable that the SB2C was. And this will be my 2nd ZM A-1 build so no surprises.
  12. Should make a interesting model with all the weathering, etc. Lots of oil stains on the center line tank and exhaust stains on the fuselage sides, etc.
  13. I had started this ZM A-1H Skyraider a while back but put it aside for "later". I guess now is "later". I used the Quinta cockpit interior which really sets off a cockpit. I intend to model a USAF SEA bird out of NKP, Thailand used mostly for SAR. Considering George Merritt's "Sock it to em" but that's not "for sure" right now. We'll see.
  14. Thank you Gaz. None that I can think of Gaz since I've been modeling for over 60 years.
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