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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Indeed! And everything comes to a screeching halt!
  2. Sure is good to be able to resume working on a model. I hadn't realized before how much I depend on a compressor. LOL
  3. New compressor on hand now so I can resume work. Getting the invasion stripes started.
  4. Thank you! 1/24 sure would make for a big model!
  5. Looking good Peter. Coming along really well.
  6. LOL Just kidding you. Don't you have spell checker?
  7. Maybe Peter. I'll have to get another Corsair kit first.
  8. A local friend of mine has a set he said I can have. I'll check it out when I get it.
  9. Being without a compressor sure puts the quietus on things. I'll be a happy camper when my new one gets here.
  10. For sure Kevin! My compressor quit on me a few days ago so I haven't been able to do any significant modeling! My new one is supposed to be here tomorrow. Come on FedEx!!!
  11. That's a really good looking P-40E Jerry. I've always liked those AVG birds. Nicely done!
  12. I hadn't seen those before! Looks like they would add a lot to the model but awfully fiddly! LOL I'll see about getting a couple of sets. Thanks for the heads up!
  13. Thanks Peter. I think the wings will fit a little more snugly when I glue 'em. As is right now they aren't glued in place but do fit pretty well. I want to reduce that little "gap" which shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Thanks Harv. It isn't quite done yet since I need to do some more weathering. That will have to wait as my compressor quit on me today. Hopefull by the weekend I can resume work. 🤪
  15. Nearly finished. I was starting to do some weathering when my compressor crapped out. So I decided to slide the wings in place (not glued yet), place the canopy and prop on and take a few photos. Bear in mind it is NOT yet finished as there is still a bit of weathering, etc to do. At any rate, here is how it stands today. (Replacement compressor ordered so when it gets here I can finish the model and place it in Completed Builds.)
  16. Here's a tip for you guys that will make the wing fit much easier. If you plan to have the wings extended this works well. If you are going to have them folded you will need to go on and attach them as shown.
  17. Pretty well cleaned up but still needing a little sanding on the panel lines. I've decided to do this RAF Mustang with Polish markings instead of Bald Eagle.
  18. Thanks. Now some gloss coat then decals then a flat coat. Decals later.
  19. Here ya go. All the "base" camo done. Some weathering is next. Those a/c were all very weathered so I'll need to be careful and not over do it (or under do it!).
  20. Working on applying the Intermediate Blue and Sea Blue today.
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