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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Agreed Ernie, thanks. Too bad Trumpeter do it right in the first place.
  2. I'm pleased that you like them Peter, thanks!!
  3. Just for grins I decided to post some shots of both my P-51B conversions. The base kit was the Trumpeter kit. The nose on the USAAF a/c is from a Revell "D". The nose on the RAF a/c is from a old Monogram kit. I hope you enjoy perusing 'em. Please remember to click on the 1st photo for best resolution and to view the photos as a slide show. (Yes, it makes a big difference!)
  4. For a upcoming build of a SH P-39. I don't have the correct type set for a P-400 so if anyone can help I'd sure appreciate it. PM me with cost, etc. Thanks JohnB
  5. I built their -5 Profipack kit a while back and thought I'd follow up with another but , as things go sometimes, I decided to take a different route and work on something else for now.
  6. Here ya go Jack. Maybe this will answer your questions. The cockpit is after market but I don't recall which company.
  7. Thank you Jack. I'm pleased you like it. Kinda colorful isn't it?
  8. This will be my 2nd Hellcat by Eduard and was inspired by this beautiful colorized photo. Really nice colorization work! Should make a good looking model. I find that these two Hellcats were F6F-5P photo recon birds. Do any of you know of a detail set for the -5P?
  9. You are welcome! I look forward to seeing a Corsair build from you before long.
  10. Thanks. Really can't do much when your compressor flakes out.
  11. Thanks Kevin! I'm glad you like it. The build certainly did have it's "moments" as I had to set it aside a couple of times. LOL
  12. Thank you Peter. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I think the main thing I like about acrylics is they dry faster than enamels. I don't intend to go all acrylics but will use them some depending on the application.
  13. Thank you Carl. Maybe some day Tamiya/Hasegawa/Revell ??? will bring us a nice 1/32 kit so we don't have to go to all the trouble of grafting a accurate nose on to a less than accurate Trumpeter kit. 🙄
  14. Done and RFI. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/19761-p-51b-conversion-2-completed/
  15. This one is ready for inspection. Basic kit is Trumpeter. The "new" nose is from a old Monogram Mustang from back in the late 50's or so. If you followed my build posts you would see it wasn't a "drop in fit"! Painted with a combination of Tamiya acrylics, Gunze acrylics, Colourcoats and Testor's enamels. Many of the decals ,such as national insignia and the PK*G decals are from my decal stash. The personal markings are from the decal sheet provided in the Kagero book on the Polish Mustangs in RAF service. They are the most difficult decals to work with that I can remember. Extremely delicate and touchy plus hard to move them around to get their proper "spot" after laying them on the model which makes for some high cuss-factors (and some screwed up decals). I'm glad to finally finish this one and I hope y'all like the results. Let me say again guys that if you click on the first photo you get much better resolution and you can view all the photos as a slide show. Much better than just clicking on the photos, etc.
  16. Thank you for the nice compliments. Lately I've been using a combination of enamels and acrylics. I think enamels work a little better than acrylics for getting a feathered edge on camo. At least for me at any rate. Colourcoats , Extracolor and Testor's enamels are my preferred enamels while Tamiya and Gunze have some good acrylics. Testor's MM camo colors I usually buy on ebay but Scale Hobbyist has some too. Sprue Bros. seems to have stopped stocking the Testor's MM colors. I hope this answers your question and is of some help.
  17. Thank you. Still more painting needed but coming right along.
  18. Most of the painting is done except for a few touchups and adjustments.
  19. Lack of a good compressor sure puts a halt on a build! I hope your 3rd one works out. I decided to lay in a couple of cans of "air" to have "just in case" LOL.
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