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Everything posted by Winnie

  1. Ohh I can't wait to see what treatment you give it James!
  2. Just to prove we're not dead, just merely snowed the heck in... All the parts for the "other" gear bay laid out and cleaned up. Since I have new black paint we should see some progress soon-ish!
  3. Planning to build the Trumpy A-6A in 32nd, with AOA decals for the movie Flight of the Intruder. I plan to fictionalize the fictionalized A-6E's used in the movie by Using the proper painting of the A with proper stencils, and then use the AOA decals for the movie airplane with the AOA A-6A stencils. I MAY try to cut masks for the fictional "USS Shiloh" from the book. I read the book to shreds when I was young, and I still enjoy both it and the sequel. So here's to Jake Grafton and Tiger Cole, Keep the faith shipmate! UNfondled plastic... highly unusual in my stash! and I've had the kit since before the "rona" 'Stickers' Thanks!
  4. Ha! Thanks for the idea, I have a couple Takom kits in the stash!
  5. I'll try to make a dent this year. I finally got my 4th stripe back (for the 5th time, should learn not to switch companies...) so the pressure is off somewhat, now I just need to get off nightshift!
  6. Man that 3 color navy camo shore looks fine though! Nothing you can't deal with I'm sure!
  7. I want to fly one once.... 8 throttles. awesome!
  8. So being in the EMS world now, I have a good story of spraying things with the "back-fan"... A buddy of mine picked up a patient who was injured badly in an accident and bleeding profusely. Well the blood seeped out the copilot door, then flowed back along the tailboom, then was atomized by said fan... helicopter had to be torn apart to be cleaned... apparently blood is very corrosive...
  9. This thing don't leak, but when the windshield craks, it goes with a bang...
  10. I think you guys mean a million shaky parts surrounding an oil leak....
  11. Well I just bought 3 more LP5 semi Matt black
  12. Awesome! Thanks for organizing this again Ernie et all!
  13. @harv haven't you guys been putting up drawings for days? (Lol)
  14. Merry Christmas from Winnipeg!
  15. -23C in Winnipeg… managed a visit to the hobby shop, but dressing up like the kid in the Christmas story, just so the dog can have a sh!t and a piss…. but who’s complaining
  16. That'd be amazing! I had the 52 on order but had to cancel, I'll start pinching pennies again!
  17. Let me know when the HpH B-52 is up for sale, so I can start saving the pennies!
  18. Dang, I'D LOVE to have a small affair with your SLR! Always wanted to shoot that one. I used the AG-3, AG-3F (extendable stock) and MP-5 extensively, but would love to shoot the SLR! Wish I had access to the NATO Ammo as I used to. Could walk into supply and walk out with 400 rounds like nothing...
  19. Screw it, I'll participate with a $75 dollar (US) gift card to whichever shop you'd like, but it won't be available till January 15th 2023. I'd also like to be in the draw, but will say leave me out of the grand prize draw as I'm one, not that lucky, but two, if I should be feel it's unfair to the rest of the crowd! Thanks!
  20. I should, considering I got the grand prize last time, but I'm just about level with the surface at the moment... But thanks for the work you do Ernie! I promise to do better next year!
  21. OK Lads! It hasn't been relegated to the shelf-of-doom yet! I finished up some details, and ran into a couple of issues, and then started a separate sub-assembly. There are many tings that can be built on the side to make final assembly somewhat easier. I DID run into a rather large problem though, I have glued the halves together and there is a gap, almost a full mm (32nd or so inch) where the outer skin joins the after fuselage. This is puzzling as the front and rear of the bomb bay are perfectly joined... Anyway, I shall grit my teeth, try to fill and sand with plastic putty in a way that I won't have to sand away detail. From what I hear there was a taped seam, so perhaps I can hide it. It's turning into quite the amazingly large model too! It's very large. getting tedious to swing around the desk! Wing and flap with gear bay Again Nigel to the rescue, he found a piece not mentioned in the instructions that is the rear end of the firewall... Piece K13 goes towards the gear bay, and then the D piece goes in front towards the engine, this insures the perfect placement of the engine! Oil Tank is indeed red... I checked the references! Whether the flaps are interior green? Personal choice to break up on the black. lots and lots of black (Gotta order more Tamiya LP-5) A little oil wash, but nothing will be visible through the door... But hey, I manned up and did it! Same thing with this side, not much will be seen. She's long... Only the 32nd A-10 I built ages ago was longer I think... the thought that went into this is amazing, to prevent a very long visible seam on top, they have a upper panel that glues on with seams in rivet lines, hope that works well, but pretty amazing really! The gap... I Probably screwed something up somewhere, but I cant figure out what. The bomb bay forward and aft bulkheads are in the correct place, and everything else is dependent on that... Anyway, not completely dead on the bench, but now the dreaded Command Evaluation is at hand, and I have to go away for 4 shifts to determine that I indeed is capable and worthy of the command of an aircraft and crew...
  22. I painted the "Dunny"... I thought I saw somewhere there were decals for the flare chutes, but I have no idea... Can't see that in the instructions anyway, also I think I'm building an early Lancaster, so maybe this flare chute is wrong, but it brings visual interest for inside the door, so I'm sticking with it! Also curious if the control runs would be a different color, such as zinc-chromate, I may do them in that color just for breaking up the colors. Also may do the hydraulic lines on the floor black. very miniscule weathering, just a little dry brushed aluminum on the floor boards, but I like it for what'll be visible through the massive (sarcasm) door.
  23. THe details get sparse behind the spar, the "bunkroom" has no interior, until around the rear entrance, where there is a "passenger seat" for dropping behind enemy lines, a toilet and flare chutes. as well as the rear and dorsal turrets of course. I don't have the skill to do a cutaway, but I'll do my best to make it look like a lanc... Second picture shows cockpit attached to the bomb bay floor!
  24. I've always been told to never pull the needle out the front though. Even the pro's that paint full size stuff pull the needle from the back? There is a bushing that sits in the front that is fragile... Anyway, I have an Iwata HP-CS and a Neo, the Eclipse I use a "tripple action handle" which makes the pulling of the needle a breeze.
  25. So I got some work done, I put it in the box last night in frustration, but -re-watched the Nigel's Modeling Bench video, and figured out HOW to get the pieces together. I still suspect I put a part on in the wrong place, but I can't identify where it is. Anyway, lesson is for anyone building this model, attach the cockpit floor to the bomb bay roof, and work from there! Add the cockpit sides, then add the fuselage parts. The front main spar NEEDS to be attached with the cockpit floor attached, so the work sequence NOT described in the instructions, can't be followed... doesn't make sense but there it is. To re-iterate, on the second instruction segment, where it starts with the "port cockpit", attach the cockpit floor to the bomb bay roof, and attach the front bomb bay bulkhead before you continue. Finish the cockpit, add the front spar, then do the bomb bay. it'll be long and flimsy, but I don't see any other way.
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