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Everything posted by Winnie

  1. BradG, the problem is you can be a carrier with no symptoms, hence, wear a mask if unable to distance yourself, as in a store etc.
  2. Just to point out, the deaths are usually 3 to 6 weeks behind the spikes, so they will start to increase again. When the ICU's are filling and they are struggling to find beds, I hardly find that comforting. I was supposed to go to Florida for training, but due to extreme spike in cases that has now been cancelled. I hardly think the rapid increase from 2oK a day to 57K in a week is just a "blip" but there we go. At work now the precautions are quite severe, with masks required every flight, and the helicopter is misted and cleaned every time we carry pax and being EMS most our pax are patients... Though THANKFULLY not Covid yet.
  3. I got Furloughed early on, so had 4 weeks off, an extension to my normal 2 off, but got called back and been balls to the walls since. Fly air medical transport and we have had a few suspect cases, but mostly just sick people... But the post flight routines have changed lots... Never had a machine so clean on the insides... Not much time for modeling even wit my 2 extra weeks of holidays though, as I had a project at my trailer. We are on a seasonal spot, and are working on beautifying and personalizing it...
  4. That's a crazy build! Awesome scratch work!
  5. I just didn't have any pics of the front end I think... But here is the seat, AMS Resin of course! And front office. But alas, I'm away at work for another week so...
  6. Well, I got furloughed, then that was rescinded, but in the meantime i got started on this one: Kittyhawk F-86K. I have a bunch of other things going too, but this one is taking most of the bench right now. Markings are masked and painted.
  7. Man, that's just gorgeous. I'n not particularly keen on Axis weapons of war, but you have done an amazing job on that kit! Lovely!
  8. I ordered Dspiae tools and got them pretty quick, but one set did not ship. I got my money back. no problems really. Cheers Harald
  9. Dale! Mine arrived today! Can't wait to get home in 3 weeks time!!
  10. Dale, mine hadn't arrived yet as of yesterday, but I assume the postals will get it to my wife as soon as it gets in. I have to work... such BS really... lol
  11. Nice collection there Sir Desmond! A few I have, and a few I'd like to add to the stash! I'd show mine, but I go to work today, and no new pictures available...
  12. My stash is roughly 125 kits, some with, some without aftermarket. I only purchase what I have an interest in, although I did have a larger stash at one time, but financial difficulties made me drop some of it. I have started to repurchase some of those. My other half encourages my hobby, and does not bat an eyelid to expensive kits. she encouraged me to get the Hellcat from Airfix for one. She is into paper-crafting so we have two stashes, hers and mine. I often like to quip: "We are married but have separate craft-rooms". Never get any guff, and never give guff, as long as the requirements of living are taken care of. And Tamiya Extra Thin...
  13. Sitting at work for another 7 days, then only 4 days off, then an extended tour of 24 days... BUT... I just ordered a shipment from the brothers of sprue, and I have a fw items arriving!!
  14. Wow just wow. Sir Desmond said it best... Superb!
  15. My exact thought Earnie, Spun in.... boyo that would have sucked more
  16. I have several buddies down now, or headed down to fight fires with helicopters. Fires are shit!
  17. The Sepecat Jaguar Gr. Series... beautiful airplane!
  18. Ernie Kind Sir, this is my Contribution to the Raffle, NIB Tamiya PE Tools, Diamond File, Scissors and PE Folding Pliers. I have these tools myself, and I find them excellent. Specifically pruchased for this even! Cheers Harald
  19. Congrats!
  20. Put me in please! I'll contribute something as well, likely a new tool of some kind.
  21. As does Festivus! My celebration of choice! I'll parttake!
  22. I cleaned out my bench for 2 weeks of work. So when I get home I feel inspired? Well I'd like to think, but next time off will be a jumble, with some extra work days etc... Second picture show what is currently on the bench, with this baby obviously: Cheers H.
  23. No picture, but a full meal deal from Harv on one of my grail kits! the F-105D in 32nd!
  24. Have a couple LSP's on the go, this Westland Lynx is almost complete, just windshield wipers left, also a Revell Mustang. I won't be getting any more revell kits unless I win them (The Mustag was a raffle price from last Xmas). Cheers!
  25. I have the OV-10A partially built, but just awaiting a different project to complete before I carry on, and an F-86K in 32nd, the 2 Seasprites, a Dauphin, a Huey, a Jaguar and a Super Etendard in 48th. The OV-10 is decent, but require some work, and I hear the the F-86 requires patience and close scrutiny as not all instructions are correct. The kits are very nice in look but the 48th kits are very detail heavy and have what I consider unnecessary detailing such as a full engine and transmission on the Dauphin, that looks to be reasonably correct, but extremely fiddly to get to work... Now with that said, I'm mediochre at best and can only hope to do a decent job, but I'm sure, even though these are not Tamiya by any stretch, anyone can make a fairly decent model out of these with some patience and skill. I have seen Ernie's build of the T-28, and it looks really well made, so I believe from what I have gleaned from other fora, that it is a superb kit. Cheers and pardon the long waffling! H.
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