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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Ralph Nice progress. Catching up and enjoying following your progress.
  2. John Completely agree - but I had to try. One thing for sure, I'm betting the Vallejo metals will be perfect for P-51 painted wings!
  3. Scott, now that's the most positive thinking I ever heard
  4. Scott Cammo work looks perfect and covers a lot of real estate. Just a shame Revell made it so difficult to help from their end with such a poor painting guide.
  5. Thanks John, much appreciated. For me there is a nice use for the Vallejo Metallics, but they don't seem to be up to the equal of Alclad and AK in duplicating a metal surface.
  6. Scott Anything is possible but one thing for sure, none of us will be around to see any of this.
  7. Who knows. being 76, I no longer even give things like that a second thought. Living here in New York out on the Island, we hear stories about that all the time and yet the building of skyscrapers in Manhattan goes on and on. Scott Hubert Makes a lot of sense but and what eventually happens, happens.
  8. Scott WOW, looking mighty good, decal work and weathering are spot on. You're absolutely in the home stretch now. This morning, I finally finished the last of the never seeming air brush list and tomorrow I'll be gloss and then decaling.
  9. Rob Way to go .. looking mighty good and you're on a role now.
  10. Jeff Not really for me to say, just paraphrasing what I've read and seen online. Hope it's not true but there are some areas already where rising sea levels are an issue. Just never know and of all the issues to worry about, this isn't even on my list.
  11. Kopecky Scale Models 48020 1/48 IAF F-16C Barak Blk 30 Conversion set for the Tamiya F-16.
  12. Scott & Jeff Unfortunately, it's true and the sea levels are slowly rising as the ice caps are melting. The theory of all coastal land will be underwater will eventually happen, as it's going to take many hundreds of years if not longer. It doesn't have anything to do with the insurance companies as none will be around when it does happen.
  13. Scott, makes perfect sense. The news reported we could experience aftershocks for the next week or so - pretty nerve-wracking. When I was growing up, we were taught that NYC is built on solid bedrock and could never have an earthquake - how wrong they were as a major fault line runs right under the Hudson River. Of course, science predicts with global warming and the rising sea levels, everywhere in the world, all coastal areas will permanently be under water.
  14. Scott Just amazing how bad instructions and painting guides can be. I've suffered through more then I care to remember and more often, just search online until I find what I need (what a waste of time). Another real killer are both kit and AM decals instructions where you only get one side view, top and bottom views and especially if there is a cammo pattern, you're left high and dry with the missing side view. Happens way to often and I now try to avoid AM decals that do this - what a pain and completely agree - what were they thinking. It's obvious the manufactures and AM decal companies that do this, never used their instructions.
  15. Carl Amazing progress and nice tip on the wing to fuselage glue-up.
  16. Carl Looking good and may just do a second entry with this type of kit - no stress and all fun. Gee, that could be a mini GB all by itself. G
  17. Phil Good call ... it's a talent to know when to call a build done and in the books.
  18. martin Nice going. You wonder how a company can get it so wrong in today's day and age.
  19. HI Scott it's really getting a bit crazy - first rain and wind that never seems to stop and now a rare earthquake. We were luck, as Long Island is on the east side of the Hudson River a good 100 plus miles from the epicenter in New jersey. We felt the shaking a bit but no damage. New jersey had some damage, but all is OK, thank goodness. BTW, the stash is fine. Luckly your quakes were in the 3,2 range as those are some what a lot milder.
  20. Mike Awesome progress and looking so good. I wish I had your modeling patience and skills to keep at the Song Bird, but at my age, just not in the cards. Good choice on enlarging the cowlings rather then sanding down the engines but I wonder if that is going to cause any issues with the engine fairings on the wings? I tend to try and glue on parts and assemblies before painting that might cause issues and ultimately mess up the paint. I would rather struggle with figuring out how to reach all the areas with the air brush then have to go back and fix glue marks on the painted surfaces, especially after they were decaled.🏆
  21. POLISHED ALUMINUM LEADING EDGES Time for the last of the major air brush color work All the leading edges were masked out with loads of Tamiya Tape, MRP Super Gloss Black being used for the base coat and then I dove in using the new Vallejo Metal Colors; Aluminum (acrylic based). The Positive: Virtually no order at all and a nice smooth aluminum color. The negative: The Vallejo Metallics have a more of a paint feel and look as compared to Alclad and AK metals and just seem to not appear as metallic. This was a good test and right now, after spending $50 on the Vallejo Metals, more testing will be needed, and I am planning on using them for an upcoming Eduard P-51D Mustang project. Next up: the decal process.
  22. Thanks Rob I can see some of the effect and also now have a better understanding of what your achieved. Looks so good.
  23. Rob Got ya. I should have thought of that.
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