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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. I am still rifling the stash, getting close, just don’t seem to have the correct decals for the subject........
  2. Thanks Jerry, I have a ZM F4J Marines in the stash, perhaps I’ll move it up the list......
  3. Excellent thanks, another one squirrel away.....
  4. Came across these two sites whilst researching what I will entering........ https://panzerworld.com/normandy-1944 https://panzerphotos.com/ I’d never stumbled across these before but the first lists the units and vehicles.......hope it’s of use.
  5. Thanks Bill, I’m going to squirrel this away for reference.........
  6. Very nice indeed, what paints do you use.... I’m going to have to have a go at these jet ......things.........
  7. Maybe tempted myself, is this the new tooling?..............
  8. This place and the generous guys and gals who are here (we do have some gals I hope) gives me renewed faith in humanity.......thanks all...........
  9. Gaz, absolutely stunning, was the swear box very large when you were nearing the end. You’re a braver man than me..........
  10. Cool subject, I recently completed a Marder H which had been stalled, looking forward to the build........
  11. Thanks guys, I having a big of a brain fart there.......
  12. Mike, I know it’s a Friday but my brain is not computing Rule 3.......embarrassing to say...
  13. Mike, those elements would make one cool diorama ......
  14. I hear what guys are saying but if you’re time poor there is nothing worse than a kit that fights back at every opportunity. A challenge yes not a spitting bad tempered dog fight.....
  15. Thanks Ernie, I’ll have a look, great idea. I know SOE were very active after D Day supporting the Marquis and SAS detachments....must admit never built any Matchbox, I think they appeared during my hiatus from the hobby..... Great choice of the 666.....
  16. Thanks Martin, going to wrap the build up this weekend, I’ll have a peruse at the pics for those final touches........
  17. I’ve been called worse.........
  18. I wonder where I have seen that before.........I know.........
  19. A couple of things Harv, thanks for having us on your vacation, I feel so relaxed.......... also the brits May remember this.......Harv, wearing that shirt may you get arrested on the count of wearing a loud shirt in a built up area......... still time to get back to the bench when you get home........
  20. Take me your pick.......
  21. Ernie, what’s wrong with something with tracks on..........how about motorcycles or mc & side car.........didn’t Harley do a army version........
  22. I’ll join up, not sure what with. Have to be the weekend to rifle the stash...........oh my, my first GB.......
  23. Dick van Dyke is back governor.......
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