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Everything posted by TJTX

  1. I thought about it, but I'm trying to focus on the areas I enjoy most which is painting and weathering. That's why I'm not getting to deep in the weeds with the interior.
  2. No, I'll close them up.
  3. Thanks guys. My bench time comes because I don't currently have kids, and my wife is a nurse. So, if I have a day off and she is working, I have 12 hours of free time. I dont get many days off at the current job but hopefully a promotion this week will help.
  4. Looking fantastic Peter. My Tamiya Corsair was without a doubt my most enjoyable build to date.
  5. The more I think about it, I need a HPH C-47 from Santa.
  6. Ernie, I feel for you buddy. I've ahead a few complex builds lately that slowed me down. I tried a quick P-47 build but that went sideways quick. I'm enjoying my B-25 immensely so far but I know it'll be a long time till it's done. So, I'll be pulling out a Wingnut Fokker that I started to get a fun, easy, successful build done to really recharge my batteries.
  7. An HPH L-39 would be awesome, but I'll have to see how much money Santa has.
  8. Loving it! I'm watching and learning.
  9. I used to see that sitting on the ramp in Van Nuys all the time. Looked pretty ragged.
  10. Already had my Dh2 show up at the house.
  11. I've actually had a few days off so I'm desperately trying to make progress but not rush either. I've been very happy so far with HK's fit.
  12. Today is bomb bay day. Now it's time to build some ordinance.
  13. My goal is to use a brush as little as absolutely possible. I'd did that best on my Corsair and it shows. On my current B-25 all I've brushed is control knobs. I'm just never happy with brush results for anything bigger.
  14. Love the photos and weathering opportunity this build provides.
  15. I love Mr Surfacer as a primer. After a 1500 black or grey application it's nice and smooth and SUPER strong.
  16. Two seats are done and some progress on the rest of the cockpit too.
  17. 1 set of belts is on with 1 to go.
  18. Love it! What type of grass mat is that? I've been looking for one just like it.
  19. Work has begun in ernest. Theres some painting started. I appreciate all the builds here to use as a reference.
  20. I remember that one from June Mark. I absolutely loved the weathering and I hope to replicate that someday.
  21. Beautiful buddy
  22. It's not much, but it is proof the build has begun.
  23. I dont know if it's my best or not, but this is my favorite:
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