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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Great thread. Let’s load it up and get word to Paul to show how much we appreciate his hard work and that we’re not all “kit flippers”.
  2. That Revell/Monogram A-10 kit, is that the Jill Long version they did of her plane? She was my neighbor for a short while and I have the box top autographed by her and framed. She had some interesting war stories to tell over dinner.
  3. I always thought my favorites were the Phantoms. Almost picked one out of the stash yesterday instead of the Texan. But looking back at my record I’ve built 8 F-16’s and have something like 7 or 8 more in the stash. Only built 3 Phantoms so far. Watching this one closely. I love the two tone interior green. I’ve got one Tamiya Corsair in the stash.
  4. Well, done for the day. The Quinta cockpit kit requires a modification of the kit parts. Not sure why? Was KH wrong with their design? That’s stock with the detail removed. Below is the mod All the fiddly parts minus the second fire extinguisher I found after I thought I was done. I played around with assembling the cage. It’s like putting together a Jinga game starting at the top. Well, weekend starts as soon as momma walks in the door and I have already been ordered to open the wine bottle and get ready to go for a float in the lake. Won’t be back at the bench probably until Wednesday when she goes back to work since we have company coming.
  5. Here’s where I’m at. Cockpit cage all painted and Quinta Studio interior being applied. This build has two firsts for me. My first Kitty Hawk and my first Quinta Studio aftermarket. So far, I like both. I have read in the past about how soft the plastic is with the KH kits. I have to agree. But at least it’s not brittle! All the detail seems great, no excessive flash needing to be cleaned up and parts are fitting pretty good. I did have to open the pin alignment holes on the radial halves and it only fits one way! Got to make sure the two parts are clocked correctly.
  6. So far this is all I’ve got to show! I did hit the cockpit build hard yesterday and I’ll follow up with pics a little later.
  7. Have you built it? If it wasn’t a bench clearing kit, how long did it sit in the stash? I remember years ago I always wanted someone to produce a T-6 Texan in 1/32. They did. I bought it. I even bought a second kit after KH closed up shop because I knew I wanted to build two. And today I started building it. Mind blown when I read “Kitty Hawk 2013” molded in the inside of the fuselage. Where did time go? My “Must build grail kits” I’ve bought: T-6 Texan. Just hit the bench A-7 D & E. Bought both, two Zacto corrections. E model is built. A6-A Intruder. Still in the stash. B-25 and B-17 Bought two kits of each. Still in the stash F-16 Thunderbird. Still in the stash. Forgot the Stearman biplanes. Got two, in the stash. OK, enough yabbering and back to the Texan. (Hey, gotta do something while the paint dries.)
  8. Wow Carl. Talk about bad timing. A little autobody filler and some careful carving can fix that. And thanks for the kind words.
  9. Later today? Don’t you mean tomorrow? I’ve been reading up on smoking a brisket since us South Carolina guys spend all our life smoking pork. But my plan is to do one at 210-225 degrees until internal temps hit 203-205 then toss in an empty cooler and let it rest for 4 hours. I’ve been told to expect about 24 hours total time at those temps. Low and slow! What’s your tricks?
  10. After 4 months, finally done. Slight curve ball thrown at me during the 11th hour. The old decals were toast. Out of the 4 sheets with the kit, one or two I could use some, but had to use another set of decals just to wet and use the glue by brushing it off and brushing it onto the back of the decal or the model to get the kit decal to stick. I had to use stars and bars from a generic decal,set and trim out the blue background. So I just decided to go with a generic Cougar. Paint used was MRP and Mr. Color lacquers.
  11. Absolutely nothing! Just finished up the Cougar and put it in my display case. (SOD C-17 doesn’t count )
  12. Wow. That’s a chunk of change! Anyone know of a comparison between the GW and the Trumpeter? I keep hearing it’s not good, but I’ve never seen what’s not good, so I’m going to plan on building mine one day anyhow.
  13. I’ve never had the chance or thought about selling any of mine. But I did build on for my MD a few years ago and gave it to him when it was done. It really feels weird seeing all my build pics of it and the completed model and to have never had it in my display case to look at all the time. I showed this thread to my wife. Of course she is now encouraging me to sell my stash and my built kits. 🤪 That woman be crazy.
  14. Oh, not me. I had to be one of the first to pre order it. Kit sits on the shelf of my build table. Is it wrong to put a new unopened kit on the SOD?
  15. Thanks! Never in my life did I ever think this was a possible goal.
  16. Ok, just an update if anyone else hits the brick wall like I did. It was either a real Derp! Moment or an “I’m so brilliant!” Moment. I’ll let you decide. Duh…. just follow the lines with a straight edge leaving a hair line of blue instead of cutting into the white. Wet the decal and the blue falls off with a little help. The target… Applied in three parts Just got to eyeball the straight line if you don’t have a panel line to follow Got it in place. The cut edges seem to lift ever so slightly. Probably because I put too much pressure on the knife. So I soaked it with red microsol and left the room to let it do it’s magic.
  17. So I reached the stage of decaling my Fisher Cougar. And of course as my luck seems to go sometimes, the kit decals are old and brittle. Even Microsol liquid decal film didn’t help, it just let them curl up and not lay flat. I’ve never had this issue with decals and have used the liquid film with success in the past. I’ve come to the conclusion I’m just going to apply some generic stars and bars with Navy on the sides. Nothing fancy, no unit markings, etc. Here’s the issue. Model is gloss sea blue. I need the stars and bars without the blue background. Anyone know of a company still making/selling these? I thought my Trumpeter GSB Skyraider kit I used as a donor for the guppy might have them but they also have the blue surround.
  18. Thanks! Want an even better shot?
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