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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. ScottsGT


    Is the Trumpeter kit really that bad? Is it the shape or rivets over done? Or both? I’ve got the kit, never opened it up.
  2. Had some old friends come visit the new house last month. The husband brought me a bottle of Buffalo Trace. I managed to get a glass that night to try it out. Glad I did as he managed to almost finish off the bottle he brought me! He left me one more sample in the bottle for Sunday afternoon. Stopped at the red dot store on my way home last Friday. Got more of my Scotch, but they were all out of Buffalo Trace.
  3. Happy Birthday (apparently early!) At 71 years young, you've earned it! But your birthday is on Halloween? Awesome. Cake & Ice cream and candy all on the same day!! I remember when I was a kid we use to have a Honda 50 Monkey. I would tear up the neighborhood with that thing. One year we went of a vacation to the beach and we got to ride some three wheeler go-carts around a track. I kept trying to lean that thing like I did with the Monkey and kept running into the tires along the edge of the track. Fun times! Hope you have better luck transitioning to 3 wheels than I did.
  4. Looks like it needs another part as well! I'm actually in the market for a pontoon right now. But I'm finding that the boat market is like the used car market right now.
  5. So Clunk, this kit still in the box?
  6. Love the Lugers. Always wanted to get one. I should quit putting it off. My WWII stuff is an M1 Garand, M1 carbine and 2 WWII 1911’s.
  7. Forgot to follow up with the can after it got out of jail
  8. Come in Harv, haven’t mastered the art of building while laying in bed? I kid! Hope you get relief soon.
  9. Nice conversation kit. Often wondered why Gary didn’t just make an entire new part. Now that the build has some age on it, there is some shrinkage on the seam. In the right lighting it can be seen.
  10. I still have 13 phantoms in my stash, only built 3 so far. One was a B conversion using GT Resin and Zotz decals and Rhino intakes. I have about $350 wrapped up in that one.
  11. Well said Clunk! I was only 8 years old and a neighbor worked at a local Ford dealership. His demo car was a gold ‘70 Boss 302. I was hooked for life. couple of guys in the Navy down the street drove nice cars. One was a ‘70 Roadrunner with the air grabber hood. Yea, that reeled me in.
  12. LOL! I never noticed her spelling issues since I’m so use to it. She’s a bad speller!
  13. Y’all gonna love this…… text from the wife today.
  14. Shhhhh! My wife thinks its her she shed/cave. I let her throw up a few Clemson items and BAM! It's all "hers" now.
  15. Mines currently organized to. In a storage locker 25 miles from here and packed away in 25 large moving boxes. 🥲 until I can get the time to construct my garage loft/shelves, we’re going to be separated. I just got my building table unpacked. I did get the new lights in my display case though. And I got my die cast cars back in the cabinets I built too. Unfortunately, I have about just as many still boxed up that I need to figure out how to display.
  16. LOL! I’m unpacking still from the move. Guess what I found? yea, I have a hoarding issue.
  17. Well it looks like the little green monster (envy) reared it's ugly head last night when we were discussing it, of all places, at a friends retirement party. She knows I can pull the trigger and we can make ends meet, but the idea of me being at home while she still has at least 10 more years to go just grates at her. I think an easier option would be for me to start looking for a part time gig closer to home and transition into that. She keeps trying to compare what I did during the COVID lock down I had from March 16th to May 30th as an example, even though I had to be online daily from 10-11 for meetings and small classes from home. It was not the same as putting work behind me. And no, I could not show up in a meeting online while all sweaty from rebuilding the deck or mowing the grass. In our past discussions, she wanted me to wait until I'm 60. Makes no sense once I ran the numbers. But that's OK. I'll just keep telling her I don't have time to deal with caring for a boat that she wants to buy, or maintaining a hot tub she wants or I'll plan out projects at work I can't get away from while she wants to go on a vacation at the beach.....
  18. I have the BCBS State coverage until I go on Medicare with the retirement package, as does the wife. My youngest son turns 26 in August and he gets kicked off. Youngest daughter comes off if she finally gets her big girl job after she graduated this past May, or when she gets married in December. At that point, her soon to be husband is a cop at a university and will put her under his coverage. At this point, my insurance deduction drops even more for me and spouse coverage. Wife is a CRNA and is making bank. Cash flow is not an issue as long as we don't get stupid and start spending like a drunken sailor. Although since we just moved to a lake home, we are looking at two major expenses beside the house. A pontoon boat and a 12X18 storage building since we downsized the storage area we came from. My boat plan is to buy an older used one, restore it with new engine and furniture and flooring. I save on boat cost by $20K and lower taxes on an older boat. that's a money saver over time.
  19. Saw this on TOS last night. I had to jump on it after cancelling it through Hannant's back in April. I was about to move, didn't want to jinx the home purchase by using the address before it was mine, so I cancelled. Also packing up 24 or 25 LARGE moving boxes from Lowe's full of kits from my stash had me rethinking if I should really buy it. I guess I'm over that now..... I did put about two of those moving boxes aside marked "To sell" since I'll never get to those kits. I just ordered the kit alone. I'll probably order the aftermarket in a few weeks.
  20. My only real hesitation is our previous house is still on the market. We're carrying two mortgages, two insurance bills, two power bills, etc... Seems the market price it is at is right in the middle of those that are trying to step up from a starter home, but not quite financially there yet. We had a contract last month, but the buyer backed out over nit-picking the ridiculous home inspection. There was stuff on it that should have never been on an inspection report. "Plumbing pipes visible in garage" Well no crap! It's the main line down from the toilet about it, against the wall. Items listed as not working when they did work. Inspector was a real moron. Our last offer showed us their approval letter and they were right on the threshold of affordability. We told them to put up the earnest money as collateral if they could not get funding and they backed out. Just goes to show, tell them to show their cards and they folded. Not letting another obvious to fail contract keep the house off the market for another 3 weeks. Got another offer last night. Waiting to see their pre-approval. I think once the old home has sold, the wife will be a little more on board.
  21. Man, this is great! I just hope you pulled out the "shelf of doom" when you prepped the garage!
  22. I'm 58 1/2 yo, 30 years in with the state right now. I'm beyond fully eligible for retirement. We recently made a move that puts me 26 miles further away from work. This morning I crunched the numbers using the online calculator with my current numbers to include the gas I now burn to drive the 90 mile round trip commute. . If I retired today I would see a loss of about $750 per month. My wife could make that up with less than 1 shift at her job and I could be her house keeper/cook/yard man/whipping boy full time instead of just on the weekends. Or even better, find a part time gig close to home and work 3-4 days a week. I'm sure there's a bait and tackle shop somewhere that needs help..... Beats the hell out of this agency trying to run it like some kind of corporate big brother having us constantly filling out ever changing online forms, management changes, dealing with employees bad attitudes, looked down upon by other areas of the department, etc.... Sorry, just venting.....and thinking out loud.
  23. Oh man, talk about childhood flashbacks…. Was that a Tom Daniel design? Ok, just looked it up. It is. I have a collection of 1/18 Tom Daniel die cast cars. He’s one of my favorite designers the never got credit for some of his work.
  24. Back around 1976 when my Dad was the NCOIC of the 437th Mobility Branch (USAF) one of his Combat Controllers did a parachute jump over a practice field naked. Nothing but his jump boots and a parachute. The joke backfired when he broke his leg on his rough landing. They never let him live that one down. But the guy had to get carried to the hospital in the ambulance wearing his boots and just a sheet covering him.
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