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Everything posted by CrankyCrafstman

  1. Whoops I almost forgot. The main landing gear even with the brass inserts have a weak point. Check out the pics and you will see what I mean. starboard main landing gear leg. the area highlighted is the weak point. I my have to add a gusset even though it's not prototypical. these last three views show were the leg mounts to the wing structure. So let me know what you think. Thanks Ron G
  2. Hey all I said I would post pictures of what I did to the cowlings on the B-24j. So here we go. rear view of back of cowls. main landing gear opening. closer view showing were the landing gear strut mounts to the wing structure. areas that need to be relieved. 2 views from outer side. any questions please feel free to ask.
  3. WOW!!! That's amazing. Peter sure does great work. Hey Nige do a contest or give away on here, all those with one of the Hobbyboss B-24 kits can submit an entry (one per member) and you can draw the winner. 0 (I already ordered mine so I won't play) Ron G
  4. Very happy birthday young man... happy birthday James Ron G
  5. Hey all Is it possible to make a B-25b (Dolittle raider) from HK's B-25j glass nose kit? Does anybody make a conversion kit for this? Anybody tried this yet, I can't find anything on the net or YouTube. So if anyone has done this please let me know so I can pick up a glass nose before they are all gone. Ron G
  6. Hopefully Trump can change their mind
  7. Sorry Martinnfb I wasn't trying to put this on you. But from what I have heard Trumpeter and HB are difficult companys to deal with. Especially if you are trying to get replacement parts, not very good customer relations.
  8. So your supposed to fill out a feedback report and hope you receive some kind of answer? Doesn't sound like a real fix to me.
  9. So you have to contact HB directly yourself?
  10. Hey Martinnfb Just how do you go about getting these replacements?
  11. That would be ALOT of grinding.
  12. Hey Gunns I'll try to get some pictures posted tomorrow. Ron G
  13. Thats cool Nige, I started doing some preliminary work on the B-24. I assembled the starboard wing with Tamiya tape to see what needs to be fixed. The rear of the engine nacelles edge is pretty thick about 1.5mm. So I took my Fordom tool and ground it down to look like the edge of sheet metal its supposed to be. I also ground out the inner nacelle where the main landing gear goes through so that the edges look like sheet metal. I'll take some pics when I get back to my work bench so you can see what I'm talking about. I'm not going to do what Iain(32sig) on LSP is doing to the wings, I'll live with what came in the kit. Ron G
  14. Oh, well I ordered a set anyway wanted to be one of the first in line.
  15. Airscale has the B-24J instrument panel done so order yours today before they are all gone. It's really beautiful Peter keep up the good work. Ron G
  16. It is very neat, almost perfect
  17. I got those off of Wikipedia
  18. Thanks again Nige Most appreciated.
  19. Thanks Nige Which parts in the kit do I use? By that I mean which nose piece? And any other parts needed to make ME669 Ron G
  20. Hey Nige I was wondering if you could help me out. I plan on making my HK Lancaster into Sergeant Norman C. Jackson's Lanc "ME699" "ZN-O". I can't seem to find any information or pictures of this aircraft. I'm looking for info on correct type, correct nose blister, etc. If you have any info on this plane could you pass it on. I have found decals for the code and serial numbers. Are there any books that have pictures of this aircraft? Any info on this plane would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ron G
  21. Those are some pretty weird landing gear I found this on Shapways 3D printed. It's a P-6n catapult as used on US battleships and cruisers. It ain't cheap around $400!!!
  22. Hey Martin I most definitely will when I start building it. I just received my brass inserts for the B-24 and wanted to see how they fit. They actually fit really nice. I started fitting and the next thing I new I had the front temporarily assembled. I guess I got a little carried away.
  23. Hey 1to1 Any updates to your build? Here are some pictures of what I did to my front wheel setup. Backside of front wheel real thing. Temporary setup of front assy. Other sde This is the Aires P-38 wheel/tire that I used my Fordom tool on to grind away the brake drum. This is the rear side. This is the front side.
  24. Thanks Nige I'm not a crazed rivet counter, but I do like my models to represent the aircraft as best as possible. As I said this would be an oob except for the items I mentioned. I can scratch build stuff if I have to but prefer to assemble and paint to get the results I want. So it sounds like this might be one I'm going to want. It will fill that empty spot between the Lanc and B-24, also the B-25, Mosquito etc. Boy I'm going to need a really big shelf Ron G
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