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Everything posted by npb748r

  1. just tried ordering this on their website but I keeps creating an error at the point of payment. Oh well, it would only go into the ever growing stash so maybe that's not too much of a problem
  2. I just finished painting mine, it's waiting for its Australian navy decals to turn up in the post. I used 2 medium bolts and a small one (sorry, not helpful but it made me smile, blame it on lockdown )
  3. I have this in my stash to build but haven't had the courage to start it - your build looks fantastic. My dad was a rear gunner on a 298 squadron halifax, I keep putting off starting in the hope that someone (HK models - please !!!) releases a 1/32 kit but I know in my heart it wont happen and I will have to tackle the FM kit. When I do I will be using your build as a guide so thank you. neil
  4. this is really inspiring - I fancy doing something different and this might be it - thank you !
  5. great idea - nothing wrong with building with wood. I did the same a few months ago and have yet to start. I've built 6 previous wooden boats, makes it interesting working with different methods, materials and tools. It's the rigging that drives me crazy, probably why I've not started mine yet (1/63 scale HM schooner pickle - the ship that bought the news of Nelsons victory and death back to the UK).
  6. I agree with Rob, the different markings makes the plane look different somehow. Great choice of scheme and great build.
  7. thanks Rog, luckily enough the kit I had (which went into my stash in around 1996 from what I can work out) has both a straight and bent probe. I've ordered an aftermarket seat as well, I'm just waiting for that to turn up before closing everything down for a final paint. Spent ages trying to work out the best paint colours, in the end I used a rattle can of Tamiya royal light grey (TS81) and a rattle can of halfords (UK car parts company) Grey undercoat that I had lying around. I think they match pretty good, the blue tint in light grey colour seems to change in every picture I look at online from a subtle to intense blue. The decals aren't due to turn up until end of April, looking forward as always to the postman turning up !
  8. one of my favourite looking aircraft - you did it justice !
  9. nice - really good looking finish
  10. that's perfect - I was hoping to buy in the UK top avoid internal post and taxes, etc. Might have to go down this route, thanks for letting me know - quick edit, I just hit the order button - thanks !!!
  11. Hi all, I hope you are all well and not struggling with lockdown. I have an old A4 Skyhawk kit in the stash that I thought I would do next and fancied something other than US markings. I settled on an Australian or New Zealand aircraft but don't seem to be able to find any aftermarket decals, not just for the skyhawk but any aircraft. Am I missing something obvious or is there simply nothing available ?? Whilst I was at it I looked for any non-US aftermarket decals for the A4 and came up blank there as well. I guess, looking at what I could find, that the decal market follows the kit market with spits, 109's, P51's, Brits, US and German, etc which was a bit of a surprise. I've never really bought aftermarket decals and assumed there would be almost anything available but it seems I was wrong ?? Enjoy the rest of the weekend wherever you are and whatever you are doing. neil
  12. I'm enjoying the enforced time at home, this is the first aircraft kit I've completed in over 3 years and my first trumpeter kit. Really enjoyed it, the decals were a pain to release from the backing and silvered (that might have been my poor varnishing though). Thanks for those who gave me tips on painting the engine covers, for my ability and skill level I was more than happy with how they turned out (I used Tamiya pastels). The kit went together really well - couple of minor issues mainly down to me - I couldn't get the internal mirrors to stick to the canopy and was worried I would mark it with glue so gave up. The pilot HUD was impossible to put together and I lost patience - it's in the bin ! The canopy is slightly too narrow, I probably could have stuck it down better but again worried about glue on the clear plastic. Hardly any filler needed. Overall it's a big kit. All I'm waiting for now is the wingtip ECM pods from Zactomodels - I wanted to build it in the colour scheme of the SU-30MK2 of the Chinese navy so the kit wingtip rocket thingies needed to be replaced. I did some light weathering, overall I'm really happy with how it turned out. Sorry about the poor quality pictures. My next build is in the post (special hobby 1/32 Buckeye in the Greek scheme) and I'm going to use the time before it turns up to clear a couple of kits from the shelf of doom. Oh, this is also the first kit made in my new den. I say new, it's a room in the loft that I had built about 30 years ago but due to a growing family over the years the room became what all lofts are normally used for - storage. Back in November I had a clear out and created my room, it is a little piece of heaven !
  13. booked my ticket this morning for the Saturday - it will be the first airshow since the late 1980's ! I'm expecting that it will be slightly different, if I recall my last one (I think it was RAF Mildenhall) had multiple Phantoms, Lightnings, a Vulcan, Buccaneers, Aussie F111's doing their flamethrower routine and the highlight was the SR71. Flying went on all day and was non-stop. I'm expecting slightly less in May but still really looking forward to it.
  14. Graham, I'm one of the 45 !!!! I have the kit ready to build once I clear some current builds off of my desk. I'm really pleased you did this, it will be my first resin kit and I have to say it looks fantastic. Personally I'm fed up with spits, 109's, phantoms, corsairs, starfighters and the all of the other repeat kits released. I'm grateful that manufacturers like Trumpeter and HB reinvigorated the 1/32 scale market and we now have so many subjects to choose to build. But I'm even more grateful that people like you take the time, effort and expense to bring something special and unusual to the market. These kits normally require a bit more effort on the builders part but we are model makers, not lego builders. Thank you for doing what you do. neil
  15. I tried to find it about a week ago and couldn't. It's completely gone and for too long for it to be site maintenance. Hopefully not a sign of company problems.
  16. easy question - Sea Vixen !!!!
  17. I have no idea why but I've always had a soft spot for the Friendship.
  18. thanks all, looking forward to giving it a go.
  19. I hadn't hit the checkout button yet, just emptied my cart . -thanks
  20. brilliant thanks. Just ordered some.
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