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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Well, if it's any consolation Edward is upset we won't have a white Christmas this year. Currently it's raining here.
  2. Once, I tried 4 1/32 Spitfires at the same time. Three Tamiya (VII, VIII and a IX) and the old Revell/Matchbox 24. That worked okay but when I tried with a HK and Tamiya Missie, i stalled on the Tamiya one and it ended up taking a year.
  3. Peter, it can be a challenge at times but oddly enough enough it helps me stay at the bench. If I hit a bit of a hurdle in one kit, I can pause on it and work on something else while I figure out possible solutions rather than just barging forward. On the Sea Fury for example, when I ran into the cowl issue, my first thought was just leave it and continue on. But I worked on the T-33 and came back to the Sea Fury with a better solution which paid off.
  4. Tomcats are back on the bench. Well, parts for one anyways.
  5. Looks good waiting her turn. I think I had to do the same thing with the flaps. I'll probably change it up on my next one.
  6. Phil, if you're going to strip the model, you can Tamiya or Mr Color lacquer thinner to do so. Both are cool enough to strip the paint and not affect the plastic. Looking back, I had to partially strip my CF-104 and I used Mr Color lacquer thinner to do so. That was done with AK Xtreme Metal over a black base coat. I had some weird paint issues after trying to paibt a contrasting panel. For the repaint, I did the panel first in lacquer, masked it and then re-sprayed the Xtreme Metal.
  7. Looking good there. Martin, what's that fluffy white stuff all over the ground?
  8. That's an interesting question. I think if you're not using something hot, then you should be okay. But, most of these metal paints don't take well to masking so that could be an issue. You might get some paint lifting if any significant masking is required.
  9. These guys will ship to the US https://www.sunwardhobbies.ca/mr-color-leveling-thinner-400ml-guz-t108-t108/ I order from them regularly. Here's another shop I've used. They offer flat rate shipping to the US. $15 for orders up to $150 and $10 if they're over that amount. https://pandahobby.ca/collections/mr-hobby-thinner/products/mrlevelingthinner-400ml
  10. Tamiya makes their own version now that you could try. It has an orange cap. Mr Color Self Leveling Thinner had almost doubled in price here in Canada so I've started buying the Tamiya version instead.
  11. It's been busy getting ready for the holidays so I haven't had too much time to work on the Sea Fury. I did manage to get the cowl faired in. The fuselage is now just about ready for the Dark Sea Grey camo.
  12. Not sure but I'm not a fan either.
  13. Very nice build. I didn't know Tamiya did an M109 so that's good to know.
  14. Don't tempt me. My Spitfire pile is running low, if such a thing were possible.
  15. Thanks Rob! Definitely looks fiddly. But should be a huge improvement over the moulded on details.
  16. Nice kit. I have the Jota version of that kit. I'd be interested to see what the PE bits look like.
  17. Here in Canada, anything sent from overseas that's more than $40 CAD (about$30USD) is subject to taxes and duties along with any brokerage fees calculating those taxes and duties. It's that last bit I hate as all the courier companies automatically charge you for that and sometimes it's a ridiculous amount. If your order is sent via post, there's a good chance the duties and taxes don't get charged as Canada Post doesn't check all packages coming into the country but it might take longer to arrive.
  18. The engine is looking nice with the exhausts on. In the pics, they seem a bit bright but you said they're more shaded in person.
  19. Flankers look purty in just about any scheme. Ok, maybe not when camo'd as a smoking crater.
  20. But don't forget, the RCAF flew Mig-21s for a while so someone should do a Snowbirds version.
  21. When I first glimpsed the pic, I thought it was a Mig-23 for a moment.
  22. Thanks Martin and Peter! I really enjoyed it. Not a shake and bake kit but worth the effort. Now back to a bench warmer, my Wolfpack F-14. I've just finished re-scribing the upper fuselage. On to painting and installing the intakes.
  23. Just catching up on the Cat and it's amazing. Great job and I really love the rip you put in the seat.
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