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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Not only that, but she keeps my lap warm too!
  2. It's been tent caterpillars here for a couple springs. They just hang out of the trees and before you know it, one looks like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  3. Nice progress. I haven't built the Tamiya Churchill but did the AFV Club one a few years ago. That one had working suspension if you were careful with the glue.
  4. That's a big spider. I don't think they get that big here in Ontario so thankfully no need for carpet bombing.
  5. A very large bag. Actually, it took two bags.
  6. I was hoping this was in but not yet. So I bought the other stuff.
  7. The LHS got in a collection in the spring. There were several Fisher kits in it and they have been slowly putting them up for sale. So far the prices have been great on them. The Cutlass was actually less than the original price.
  8. That whitewash camo has got the right chalky/washed out look to it.
  9. I went to the LHS to pick up some cement and ended up with a couple extra items in the bag. They weren't expecting the F-35 to arrive until next month but I got here early. I'm thinking I might do this as a PR1 Spitfire using the AIMS conversion set. In the pre-owned section, I grabbed a couple kits. I was hoping this had the PR parts but alas it did not. My plan to reduce the stash has utterly failed.
  10. And the lower wing is on. I'll get the uppers on tomorrow.
  11. Looks like I'll be there. Going to bring our two sons if all goes well.
  12. That makes more sense. I think I'm good but thanks for the offer. I think my bench might collapse if I put another kit on it.
  13. The hardest/fiddly-est part of the T-33 build is fitting the intakes. It went ok and I'm going to uses some Mr Surfacer to fill in the small seams/gaps. I've also added a spreader bar at the rear to make the fuselage shape better fit the lower wing.
  14. Yup, it's the Special Hobby 1/32 T-33 kit. This is my second one. Learned a lot from building the first one so this is going a lot smoother. It's going to done as Mako One. I had originally planned to do it in 1/48 before I found decals in 1/32 for it.
  15. More work on the cockpit tub idone. Installed onto the fuselage. The clamps are holding it into place. This is going together faster than I expected.
  16. The nose gear bay is now in. More progress on the cockpit. It needed some small tweaks to improve the fit into the fuselage.
  17. Some work done on the cockpit.
  18. I ordered mine on eBay from a vendor I've used before. Bought it on the 14th and it arrived yesterday. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/375047206586?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4QrLNwTjS2K&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=J7xpuL_STvq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. It's a tiny kit. 64 road wheels. That's going to be...fun.
  20. Slight mismatch on the fuselage halves. Thankfully gluing it in sections let me tweak the fit and get a better alignment.
  21. The new Takom Weasel arrived today. This is the amphibious version. There's a picture of one loaded inside a British LVT-4 during the Rhine crossing so that's what I plan to use it for.
  22. The intakes are sorted and just drying so I've started gluing the fuselage together. I have to do it in sections to get it lined up as best as possible.
  23. Looks great John. I really need to do a razorback Mustang one day.
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