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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. Got this book today to help me with a JV44 project
  2. If you use Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver with them, then they spray so much better and (imho) give a very nice finish. I love my Tamiya paints as well. It's just the colour selection that is pants.
  3. I've since been informed by others on another forum that the Werk Number given is incorrect. That besides. I'm buying it. I am going to try and build four of the Me262's (Galland, Stigler, Schallmoser and Steinhoff) from JV44. To compliment these i am also going to be building the four Fw190 D9/11 from JV44 too
  4. Just been in conversation with Ernst Peddinghaus (of Peddinghaus-decals) regarding their JV44 decals. They are quite extensive in 1/48 scale but not so much in 1/32 scale. But he's just let me know that he is going to be releasing the 1/32 scale decals for Galland's JV44 Me262 A-1a by the end of this month. Now looking at the 1/48 decals i'm wondering if he means Me262 a-1a W.Nr 210534 (White 3) which was flown by Galland and Franz Stigler. Or it could just be Galland's 'Double Chevron' mount. Guess we'll wait and see. Thought i'd just let those interested know
  5. I've been emailing Montex recently regarding (lack of) availability of their 1:32 Fw190 D-11 resin/mask upgrade set. As of yet i am getting nothing back. They don't seem to be replying to any of my 3 emails sent. Question is. Has anyone had dealing with them in the past? Is this 'normal' for them?
  6. Just lately i have got into a rock band from Texas called Blacktop Mojo. Highly recommended if you like rock. I've found them a very good background/driving music band. Now i just need to have more time at my bench instead of gardening and working.
  7. Being Fathers Day here in the UK, my two boys got me a lovely detailed book to help with my Ardennes dio. Highly recommended.
  8. Stunningly beautiful and yet stunningly sad at the same time. Thanks for posting it.
  9. Just doing a little bit of foliage preserving ready for my Ardennes diorama pine trees and have some Jinjer playing in the background. Nice and erm....relaxing? lol
  10. My work is at the end of RAF Lossiemouth's main runway and i get to see Typhoons all week along with the Pisidian. Miss working on military aircraft but at least i still get to smell the burnt avtur
  11. That moment when you open evilbay just for a quick glance before the F1 starts and you find a model kit you've been after for years going for a price well under the 'normal' asking prices. Well it's just happened. I had clicked the buy-it-now icon before i even knew what i was doing. Slightly chuffed here.
  12. I have found they airbrush very nicely over the Vallejo Surface Primer (77.660) which is designed for the Metal Color paints.
  13. I love the 'new' Vallejo Metal Color paints. They hand brush and airbrush very nicely. They do a nice Pale Burnt Metal (77.704).
  14. I'll think you'll find that the undercarriage needs to be more spread out to make a more stable platform so the flaps doesn't get restricted on operation. Wonder if the airframe needs a closer inspection. I'm available at a decent rate
  15. Glad the outcome is good for the aircrew. Aircraft should be recoverable Yeovil plane crash: Two pilots taken to hospital after engine fails - BBC News
  16. Hmm i just love a bit of Cristina Scabbia and Amy Lee when at the bench. Best i stop now. I'm drooling again
  17. Their co-labs with Till Lindermann, Corey Taylor, Cristina Scabbia and Lacey Mosley are class.
  18. I tend to put spotify on and have a few albums on there that i use. But i can go from Nordic/Viking folk music to heavy metal. I tend to sty around the heavy rock/metal area though. So anything from Eivor and Skald to Jinjer and Slipknot
  19. Got this through today (along with some 1/48 kits for a planned diorama). Been after one for years and got the chance to get one for cost of postage and a generous donation to Armed Forces charities. Boy is it big. SWMBO just glared at me when she saw the wing span lol.
  20. Cheers guys. Guess i'm going to have to keep an eye open for them. I'm not paying for kit to come from Australia.
  21. That's the sort of thing i was thinking of. Did look on evilbay but everything was only available from Australia.
  22. Is that the HGW ones? If so. Then yes i have considered them but without sounding a bit of a skinflint. They aint exactly cheap. But they are defo an option.
  23. 109G6 you say? Take my money already why don't ya! lol Just need some Fw190 A8 and F8 ones now
  24. I am planning to do an 'open' Fw190 F8 with loads of AM thrown at it. But as the Brassin comes with rivets already added it would look a bit silly if the rest of the model wasn't riveted too. I already own (but never used) a Trumpeter Master Tools Riveter that someone kindly donated to me. But i would have thought it was to large to get into the smaller radial curves. Any advice on what (relatively cheap) riveter i could try to get?
  25. Right i'm gonna call this one as completed(ish). Had real fun making this and it's taught me a lot for when i come to do some serious dioramas. The tree hasn't stuck well so i've had to place a bush around it to hold it down. I'll have to paint and foam scatter that at a later date. But all in all i like what i've created. Not epic. But certainly a good starting point. So here we have a off-airfield Luftwaffe aircraft stand. The idea was that due to allied air attacks to their bases in 1944/45 and the fluid state of the retreat, the Luftwaffe resorted to making these stands in areas of natural cover. Any advice welcome.
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