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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. I can only hope when i come to building my other Fw190s properly, i can try to live up to your standard of true workmanship. This has been and continues to be a pleasure to watch.
  2. To go along with the Precision Ice & Snow and the Panther G kit i bought earlier. I needed some figures to go with my Ardennes diorama. So here we have the (old) Tamiya German Assault Infantry. Also got some static grasses too.
  3. Excellent news. Thanks for letting us know.
  4. Love it. Especially the trees. Did you make them yourself?
  5. So as i was on holiday last week, my super lovely wife (is she watching this?) gave me the money that i would have spent on fuel for work to spend on whatever i want. Well obviously i had to get a model.....
  6. Wow. Total shock. Please pass on my regards and best wishes to Harv, Bev and family. Here's hoping he makes a speedy full recovery.
  7. Harv. Yes the AK fluid is acrylic
  8. Tried using the hairspray method and failed every time. So now i use AK Worn Effects (AK088). I also use paint to place chips too for a more precise control . But imho the AK solution is perfect. The Worn Effect solution gives you more control as it removes a smaller amount of paint then their other product 'Heavy Effects'.
  9. Are you going to stick with the rubber band tracks or get a decent set?
  10. I built a Tamiya STuG IV oob for my first ever armour build. Was so easy to do. Not great detail though. Showing it's age really. But still a very enjoyable build. Looking forward to watching this one
  11. Got this through the post today. Krycell Precision Ice & Snow effect. Going to have a little play with it on an upcoming tank diorama
  12. Glad you got it Gaz.
  13. Got this to help me with a project diorama idea i have formulating in the old noggin
  14. In the same boat Phil. Although i'll quite gladly add a few 1/32 Fw190 A5/A6 kits to the stash if they ever came up to buy on evilbay (for a price i could actually afford). I've seen some 'stashes' and they would make Hannants feel inadequate.
  15. We really need to get a 'love it' icon instead of a normal 'like'
  16. That's good to know. I won an evilbay Fw190 F8 with a Brassin cockpit, gun bay, undercarriage set and prop set. Was thinking of going the whole hog on it and get the engine for it too. This thread is defo making it look like i will
  17. Do these doors come with the engine or have you done a total scratch build on them (as in cut them out and made new ones)?
  18. I've had a look at the CMK Ju88A Interior resin pack (5026) and read the reviews of it (one from here) and they all say its designed for the A1 version. My question is. Can it be used on the A4 kit (and A17/C6/G6 conversions) or was the interior different. I know the B-Stand went from singe gun to two guns. But other then that i know nada.
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  19. Well if you could actually see my bench then you'd see three kits. It's all a bit of a cluster**** at the moment. But honestly there is the 1/32 Fw190 G8 conversion (just painted the RLM 23), a 1/48 Bf109 E4 (GB on another forum) and my sons Mitsubishi Zero (awaiting starting). I am going to tidy it all up but i just haven't had the time this week.
  20. The good thing about modelling Fw190s (short noses) is that in real life the cowls and upper gun covers weren't always a flush fitting. Especially if they had replacement parts fitted.
  21. You forgot 'cleaner air' too lol. I don't miss scunny at all. I'll always be a 'yellow belly' but i much prefer living up here.
  22. That's ok Phil. Its a common mistake. Having moved from sunny scunny in Lincolnshire to northern Scotland, i had to learn all this. The local area is rife with distillerys
  23. Discussion accepted lol. You don't drink Scottish whiskey. You drink Scottish whisky. Whiskey with an 'e' is Irish whiskey
  24. The two outboard 300L drop tanks and SC500 have been made up and sanded flush. There are a couple of little marks that are still present on the fuel tanks but, if they show up through the paint then i'll let them go down as wear n tear. After all i doubt these fuel tanks in the field were kept in pristine condition. Used a Flory wash on the undercarriage doors. Just need to seal it in with a matt coat. Also trying to make an electrical harness for the main leg retraction arms. Drilling with 0.3mm drill bits take time and a lot of patience. My eyes and hand co-ordination isn't what it used to be. 17 years of using pneumatic tools and chemicals has had its effect on me.
  25. Loving this build Harv. I have an A5 to build but i'll be doing Black 7 from 5./JG54. So i'm gleaning all the info i can from your build
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