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Everything posted by AlanG

  1. More then i am likely to finish in my build rate and lifetime
  2. From the way i read it. The mould company asked for money. Waited an appropriate amount of time to receive said funds. PJ didn't fufil his contract so mould company sold moulds to Border. Border then updated/reworked said moulds, therefore changing the IP to their own standards. If what Borders say is true then i hope two very large fingers are raised in PJ's face. Not all Chinese companys are 'at it'. And yet they always seem to be portrayed as the enemy and evil doers.
  3. Cheers guys. I've now looked at it in daylight and it's not as bad as I thought. Think it was just the lighting it was under when I took the picture last night.
  4. Just painted the V-1. Not totally happy with it. But considering what i'll see when it's fitted under the aircraft, it'll do
  5. Sure is Peter. 5 Fw190s and 3 Me262s. But i really want to do it. Will put it on here when i get it under way
  6. No idea how i missed this Harv. Hope you get some results soon so they can get it sorted out for you. Stay safe and speedy recovery.
  7. A little something for an upcoming project. I'm going to try and build all 5 of the JV44 Fw190 D9/D11. So obviously i needed a decal set.
  8. Well if you do, don't get the 1:48 Revell kit. It's a dogs dinner. Although in saying that i would love to get the 1:32 revel He111 H6 kit and get the Profimodeller H-22 conversion kit. That would be some build (and some size too)
  9. I've had to shelve my Fw190 G8 build for a little whilst i try and make some more masks for it. Some how i've lost the identification masks i had. So instead i pulled something off my shelf of doom and am going to try and finish this first. 1:48 Revell He111 H22 & V-1. The fit is terrible all over and that's the main reason it was on the SOD. Lost the will power with it. But i need to clear some back-log now and this is a starter.
  10. Stunning work. Simply stunning
  11. HB Harv
  12. Not 'Large Scale' i'm afraid but i have started a project along side my protected Fw190 G8 build. I'm going to be making a Dambusters diorama. Includes the aircraft being inflight at the moment of the upkeep mine being dropped. Two quick pics of my 'small' progress. Figures are very roughly painted. Will clean them up a little before assembly.
  13. Now that would be one hell of a model to re-create
  14. That's the entertainment industry for you. I wince at Pearl Harbour et al. But if i'm honest. I'll still watch it. Beats the soaps SWMBO watches
  15. I said i wouldn't be buying anything else of evilbay this year as i've spent far too much already but......... This popped up and i couldn't afford to miss it. Also comes with Eduard BigEd and Brassin wheels
  16. Heresy I tell ya.... Heresy!
  17. GazzaS hits the nail on the head. I am craving out for Fw190 A3/A4/A5/A6 kits. Just lately everything seems to be a jet engine release. But they are not for me. I am a massive Fw190 fan and always will be. These kits are the best i could have hoped for apart from them doing the 'Basic Kit' thing. I would prefer the basic line as i'm not into doing all the rest of the bumf that is going to be hidden.
  18. Stupidly went onto evilbay. Had a look around and this kit with extra decals popped up for a VERY nice price indeed (about 25 quid less then it should be). So i kind of hit the 'Buy It Now' icon before i knew it
  19. Blutack for the camo. Tamiya tape for the band. I've only ever used masks on my Bf109 Erla camo build.
  20. I use a range of thicknesses with florist button hole wire.
  21. RLM 75 added. Little bit of overspray to clean up.
  22. Cheers guys. Just trying to ease myself back into it. Been on the forum a lot but when i sat at the bench i get overwhelmed so got back up. In some ways i'm forcing myself to get back into modelling as i have so many projects i want to do
  23. Been an eternity since i did an update on this. But not to worry. I've not done anything much to it. I suffer with anxiety and depression and i've had a few relapses lately. Since the last update though i've painted RLM 23 banding and rudder, the RLM 65 all over and just started to add the RLM 75 (the only two colours required).
  24. Defo on the Fw190 (short and long) and Hurricane. But i also think that if they did a Beaufighter, it would be a licence to print money.
  25. I'd love to do a Me262 a-1a/U4 conversion. Is there one out there? Preferably for the 1:32 Revell kit but i could get hold of a Trumpeter kit if need be.
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