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Everything posted by kahunaminor

  1. Great stuff, I still like the Hasegawa G's despite needing some work. Yours is an excellent example. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Kent
  2. Top notch effort Mike, Great finishing and the pilot and sepia photo are an excellent touch. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Kent
  3. Welcome aboard. A nice start on a good looking scheme. Regards, Kent
  4. Replace it with an RB G6 canopy. A little extra work but well worth the effort! Regards, Kent
  5. I recently found myself in need of the clear cockpit sprue from my 1/32 Bf109E-3. Details need not be shared as to why, but suffice to say, I needed the entire sprue. I had just completed an order to Eduard and as an afterthought emailed them, asking to purchase a replacement sprue. Reply back within 24 hours saying they will replace the sprue gratis and include it in my order. The order arrived today and neatly bubble wrapped for safety was the requested sprue. These days many are quick to bemoan suppliers and makers for problems, I thought it nice just to say thanks publicly. Regards, Kent
  6. Very nice indeed. It almost makes me want to get a Revell 109 just so I can get a set of these! If we ask nicely, do you think Eduard would make a set for the Hasegawa series of 109s? Regards, Kent
  7. Expires February 12 as does the discount. Regards, Kent
  8. Well done Bevan! How many sittings did it take or did you do all the upper in one go? Thanks for the tip about polishing too. Regards, Kent
  9. Great paint job! Regards, Kent
  10. Tom this build is true modelling. Great skills and problem solving on show. Like Lawman 56 I returned to the hobby after 28 years of policing saw me diagnosed with PTSD. A mere beginner again really and never even thought of a a vac kit but someday maybe. Many thanks for sharing. Regards , Kent
  11. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your expertise and your wonderful finished product. Regards, Kent
  12. Great stuff Jason, I have two 109 spinners en route as we speak(?). Great service from W&W to boot. Regards, Kent
  13. Same here. Great stuff Jim. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Kent
  14. Awesome build Frank, Dollar bill harness straps eh? Well I suppose that's one way to use the US dollar in a volatile market! Kent
  15. Not a happy camper at all with the 8.1 upgrade. Had 8 working well on the PC without dramas. After upgrade I cannot connect to internet at times, Seagate drive mysteriously turns itself off and on and other problems. Really not happy Jan! Regards, Kent
  16. Great result James. Detail and weathering are just so good. Thanks for sharing it! Regards, Kent
  17. Great stuff Bevan! Thanks for posting. Regards, Kent
  18. Hello fellow LSM'ers, I completed this earlier in the year and here is the WIP thread from LSP: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=43702&hl=hartmann It has been seen elsewhere but here it is again (hopefully not already here!): I present my 1/32 Hasegawa Bf109G-6 flown by Lt E Hartmann whilst serving in 9/JG52 on the Eastern Front 1942-43. The kit is the Hasegawa ST21 boxing with a number of aftermarket details listed below: MDC: Bf109G-6 cockpit; Bf109G-K corrected spinner; Bf109G corrected wheels, BF109G Mk131 ejector ports RB Productions: German Seat Belts; Bf109G Radiator faces, BF109G canopy Aires: Bf109G(late) Radio interior compartment. EagleCals: The Blond Knight EC036. EagleParts: Bf109G oil cooler; BF109 Supercharger. Quickboost: Bf109G gun barrels; Bf109G exhausts Paints were a combination of Aeromaster warbirds RLM02, RLM66, RLM74, RLM75, RLM76 enamels; Model Master, Tamiya and Gunze additional colours. MM Clear flat and gloss lacquers. The build tested me at times but I persisted and whilst there are some flaws, none are fatal and I am happy with the end result. Total build time was about six months. Thanks to all those that encouraged, advised and put up with my WIP, I say thank you. The photos: Thanks for looking. Kent
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