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Everything posted by kahunaminor

  1. According to Wikipedia (yeah I know) first flight was 01 July 1940. The GB Rules say Japanese use during war with China in this period so I'd say that was a yes!
  2. Belated Happy Birthday Ralph. I hope there was a plastics gift in there somewhere!
  3. Well the slog continues... I use Flory's Model Wash and had a small problem. In short, do not use a brush to apply it that has any contaminant, thinners etc. This will break down the wash and it wont adhere properly. Fixed by adding a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid, a vigourous agitation to the bottle and a new clean brush rinsed only in water: Next up came the Dullcote Lacquer top coat which I thinned from the bottle and sprayed through my Grex Tritium TG without issue. A short waiting time and it was off with the masks! I was very impressed as this is the first time using vinyl masks and they came away very well. Added the MLG upper doors and mechanism and a styart on the weathering with a 2B pencil rubbed and tapped to leave behind some graphite: There is still a little way to go on the weathering. I have drilled the holes for the IFF and regular antenna wires. The position lights have been painted accordingly (red, blue and clear). The prop is only resting in place and will be cemented later. I still have to weather the areas inboard next to the fuselage a bit more as these received a pounding from ground crew. Hopefully the little bits and bobs will be done by the end of the week. Regards, Kent
  4. Thanks Ralph, It kept me from the Junkers GB so it owes it to me to turn out right! Thanks for looking. Regards, Kent
  5. It stands!! MLG installed, stencils on and a gloss coat to seal the stencils: The Tamiya tap on the oleos is to protect the kitchen aluminium I have attached from the gloss/flat coats. Same with the paper cover in the engine housing. A shot from the top. The discoloured panel you see in the centre of the engine cowling is the oil flap which I removed during assembly and only realised I hadn't put it back when I pit the stencil decal in place. Quick application of an appropriate Eduard scribing template and hatch restored! Next up is weathering, then time for last minute bits and pieces. Regards, Kent
  6. Great stuff Jereon, Many details and lessons gained for those of us with plans to do this. One question: where do the ends of the yellow wiring looms go? I cant quite make it out from the pictures. Regards, Kent
  7. Great stuff Ralph, I like the tonal variation achieved on the NMF by just masking and changing paints. Thanks for sharing. Kent
  8. Well a little more to show. The good old Humbrol gloss coat was shot and, as hoped, blended the base colours a little more. The Dark Green is now less garish. I then set about fiddling here and there. Added the tail wheel and exhaust which was given a dash of Tamiya Weathering pastel "snow" to give it a burnt look. I also masked and sprayed the wing ID markings. First I used the AK Interactive weathering liquid shot undiluted through my AB. Let it dry a while and shot Tamiya XF2 White over the top. I then let that set for about 30 minutes. I used an old toothbrush and some stubbles paint brushes to remove the white and ended up with this: (sorry for the clarity of that one). I hand painted the cannon covers in MM OD enamel. That is where she sits for the day. I shall commence adding decals next up. This was the look I was going for: I may have overdone the wing LE a tad but it would "seem" the wing LE suffered more than the tail areas. Thanks for looking
  9. Wow! Arno that is just great. You are to be commended for posting your learning experience for us all. Many thanks. Regards, Kent
  10. A pleasure Rick, Not the fastest of methods but reliable (so far). Regards, Kent
  11. This is what I was looking for: This has worked for me on at leats 3 occasions Write to Hasegawa (a old school letter not an email) Hasegawa Seisakusho Company Limited 3-1-2 Yagusu Yaizu Shizuoka 425 8711 Japan Clearly state what you are after eg 1/48 Hurricane Mk IID Kit # JT52, parts L4, A5, J7 and J11. Enclose three (3) international reply coupons (purchase from the Post Office) (last time this cost me $10 AUD total including post) Post and wait . The parts will usually appear in the post with some flyers. I have used this service 3 times. Twice I got the parts within 4 weeks the last time it took 4 months but the part did arrive. I expect they didn't have any replacement parts available at the time I wrote and had to wait until they did another run.
  12. Rick, I have previously written to Hasegawa by snail mail directly and obtained spare parts. I just need to find the address on my desktop not iPad. You need to include 3 overseas postal tokens and the part by kit number, sprue letter and part number. I will get back to you. Regards, Kent
  13. Happy 2015 all! After an extended Xmas break and holidays I finally got some bench time! The painted markings are complete. This is the first time around for me using masks so I am happy with the result but expect I will do better with more practice. I wanted to get the positioning correct on the roundels, particularly on the smaller fuselage ones as the dictate the position of the codes. I placed the roundels using the mark 1 eyeball then pondered how to adjust them relevant to the codes. I photocopied the decal sheet, cut out the relevant codes and taped them to the fuselage, allowing me to adjust the spacing and position of the roundels: When I was happy with the placement (or so I thought), I sprayed the MM Insignia Blue, then filled in the outer roundels and sprayed the MM Insignia White of the roundels. I also masked and sprayed the white theatre markings on the tail area: I then masked and shot the codes in WEM RAAF Sky Blue. I also used the time to cover some over spray on the lower tail and wing root area inboard the cannon. I also fixed the demarcation under the cowl: The MLG are complete except for the upper covers. Brake lines are lead wire and the oleos are aluminium sheet.The wheels are still free to allow me to set the position of the weight of the aircraft. The exhaust has been painted Gunze Dark Iron and weathered with Tamiya weathering pastels: The fuselage roundels could have been a bit lower which would have brought everything down but they are within my small range of tolerance. Regards, Kent
  14. Bravo Jim, A great build and looks very nice sitting next to its larger counterpart. Congratulations and thank for shring it with us. Regards, Kent
  15. Jim, Great start! I was wondering if you think the Barracuda wheels for the Me 262 would be a suitable replacement? They are diamond tread but IIRC similar if not the same? Regards, Kent
  16. Jim, Great review. As stated I have one on order. I was looking at the main wheels and wondering if a set of Roy Sutherland's Me 262 wheels would be appropriate? They seem to be similar if not the same to me. Your thoughts gents?
  17. Paint on! I had previously sprayed the WEM RAAF Earth Brown on the upper areas of the airframe. The demarcation between upper and lower colours has a hard line so Tamiya tape was used there. Under the nose is a little fiddly as there is a round shape leading outwards the the MLG openings. I used a mask for a wheel and filled in the edges to hopefully get the correct shape. Next came the blutak sausages: I then filled in the areas that would remain Earth Brown with damp tissue: Next came the WEM RAAF Foliage green, well thinned and sprayed through my recently acquired Grex Tritium TG. Once finished I cleaned the Grex and then immediately removed the damp tissue and blutak to avoid anytrace of residue: The masking was about 90% successful for the shape I wanted under the nose. The codes are RAAF Sky Blue so I will fix that (and the overspray on the leading edges) when I paint them on later: There are a couple of small over spray areas on the starboard wing and some other minor touch ups but I am pretty happy. I will let this dry for a day or so and next it is on to masking and painting the theatre markings and (for the first time) the national markings and callsigns! Thanks for dropping by and regards,
  18. Just ordered mine from Fly. As I live in Australia there is no VAT and free shipping to boot! Just shy of AUD $90 to my door. Another reason to love living at the bottom of the world! Drooling may now start! Regards, Kent
  19. Bravo, bravo! Great result and an inspiration. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Kent
  20. Welcome back! It has been a while. I have sprayed the undersides with WEM RAAF Sky Blue. It covers quite nicely. The cannon have been installed but I may have to sand down the wing covers as they sit a bit too proud. In hindsight next time I will probably remove all the material and just leave the barrels as there is a cover moulded into the wing which would tend to look more to scale. The port side resin exhaust shroud is on: The starboard side is next: The MLG has been partially constructed. The wheels themselves are still free to rotate. I will set them up with the flat spot in the correct position after they are attached and add a drop of CA. I still have to do the brake lines. The PE pieces for the rudder and ailerons have been added so we wait to see how long before one of those get launched in the ether! I intend doing the full camouflage scheme and then over-painting the white on the wing LE and tailplane areas. Hopefully this will give me the opportunity to weather both appropriately with both metal and paint showing through the weathered white. Regards,
  21. Just beautiful. I can see this becoming the one to place in the "must have" category! Thanks for the look see!
  22. Found it! It was on Air Modeller's FB page! Regards
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