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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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The magazine would be outstanding Jeroen!! I agree, cast it and flog them via ME !!


By the way, has anyone followed the "Fly on the wall" documentary of IMA called Family Guns?

They are the largest antique arms dealers in the world after the owner found 50,000 muskets, 30 bronze cannon plus a mega load of other stuff in a cave in Napal. They bought the while lot and it took 50 truck loads to clear the cave of everything. They've gone on to buy - in bulk - arms and weapons from around the world. Amazing warehouses - like an Aladdin's cave. They've got EVERYTHING - Spandau's, Lewis Guns, uniforms, Lugers, SMLE's M1 carbines - MG's of all calibre s and sizes.


Utterly phenomenal

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Thnx Guys!

Allready said it to James today: work is seriously messing with my bench time!

Still managed to finish the rigging today. All that's left is some more weathering and washes. Also some black inner discs to be sprayed on the wheels.




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Thnx Guys,

Allready thinking about my next build. The DH.9a...

How cool would this be for a base. A ww1 Lewis gun ammo drum...



Noooooooooo, put a Nieuport 11 or an SE.5a on such a magazine. Try to find a rectangular piece of aluminium which is "turn-polished" and put the Fokker on top of that...

Just my €0,02.... :)





Edited because of stupidity: You mean you're thinking of putting the DH.9a on the Lewis-magazine... Good choice! But my idea of putting the Fokker on turned alu remains valid in my eyes.... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the tones you have done on the interior.  Sets things off nicely.  Your exterior work on the 'swirls' is outstanding; really looks the business.  I am not up on the German WWI medals and ribbons, but I think the Pour le Merite had a black ribbon with parallel silver bars. 





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  • 8 months later...

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