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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Cavalier F-51 build

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The postman just delivered my Halberd Cavalier F-51 set. VERY nice detail work and great looking decals. I'll get started on this very shortly but I'm torn between doing the USAF marked bird or the non-camouflaged Bolivian bird. Both appeal to me so we will see! :)

This Aerofax book has some good photos and info on Latin American Mustangs.

Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 11-21-31 Cavalier F-51D Mustang _ Mustang Mk 2 conversion 1_32 set for Tamiya k.jpg

Scanned Section 1-1.jpg

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13 minutes ago, HubertB said:

Nice project. I quite like the NMF Bolivian bird myself. Plus it changes from the Stars-and-Bars 51s ;)


Thanks Hubert. Right now that is the one I guess I'll do. Nice and colorful. :)

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1 hour ago, Peterpools said:


I'm front and center and will be following all the way. I'm torn between the schemes, ut to be different, I leaning towards the USAF cammo. :popcorn:


If you meant the light gray Bolivian bird with the shark mouth then that is the one I've decided on. :)

Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 11-21-31 Cavalier F-51D Mustang _ Mustang Mk 2 conversion 1_32 set for Tamiya.jpg

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Nice!  Great call John, naturally I will follow with interest. I answered your PM. Gonna open Cavalier related topic in the research section soon, that way I won't mess with your build.



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24 minutes ago, denders said:

You don't often see Mustangs with multicolor camo either.

The top camo'd version looks like it's probably Bolivian, what's the other one?


The other is Peruvian Dave.

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Getting started on this one. Cavalier made many changes to the stock P-51's including painting the cockpits white or very light gray. I opted for very light gray on this build and mixed up a batch of Mr. Color acrylic.

6-5-23 002.jpg

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20 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Nice start on the P-51 Interior - good call on the light Gray for the interior color.




Thank you Peter. I thought the light gray would look good and I'm pleased with the way it turned out. :)

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I decided to do the tail modification and looking at the instructions it looks to be a straight across cut. WRONG. There is a stepped cut needed for the replacement part to fit on. I, in my ignorance, went on and did a straight across even cut without realizing that was incorrect. I found my mistake when I tried to test fit the new part. As I had already cut the Tamiya rudder too short I had to go to my spares box and try to find a replacement. Luckily I had a left over Revell rudder that fit just about right. I did the correct cut on it and now it appears to be good to go. SO, if any of you are planning to build one of these conversions keep this in mind.


6-6-23 B 001.jpg

6-6-23 B 003.jpg

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Front office is looking mighty busy and the details do the job so very nicely. 

Pretty easy to have missed the step and thanks for pointing it out, as I'm sure it will save a lot of corrections for cavalier builds down the road.


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10 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Front office is looking mighty busy and the details do the job so very nicely. 

Pretty easy to have missed the step and thanks for pointing it out, as I'm sure it will save a lot of corrections for cavalier builds down the road.


Thanks Peter. I hope it does help anyone building one of these conversions to avoid that mistake. Fortunately it's not something that is hard to correct.

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20 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Thanks for pointing out the step in the rudder. I would've cut straight across. The wing tips are a straight cut at least. 


I'm pleased to have been of help Carl. I take it you are going to install the tip tanks. That should look good! :)

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14 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I've been eyeing this conversion myself so I'll be following along and taking notes. 

Sounds good. I hope it will be of some help, etc. :)

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