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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Be careful on Facebook


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I just got banned for a week because of my Nats pictures…

These two got me a week off, and strangely enough, a YEAR not being able to log on to, comment on, or manage my Church’s FB page.   I’m a bit perplexed over that one, but I suppose not too surprised, given the divided nature of this Nation.  
Yes, I’m appealing the decision.  And I expect I’ll be successful, because if they reject it, off I go to the National New Services. 
These two pics were buried among a group of 40 or 50 I put up.
So someone took offense. 



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Sad to hear of this, our nation, no, let me amend myself...a tendency toward

virtue signaling, and self righteous individuals has led to censorship not

seen before. in our history has led control of the few over the many.

Denying the past has no benefits..... Often it's childish and silly. Only by

reviewing the past can we learn...a model,...a work of art, is an expression

of one's talent and desire to create.....this is protected by free speach.

Why is a Crucifix immersed in urine protected ?(remember Maplethorpe) ..while an image of a defunct and defeated regime's aircraft be used as

an opportunity to ban an individual? A model of a 109 doesn't suggest approval ...it represents historical fact...and that only! It's a hobby, not an

assault on liberty....or Socialism for that matter! What we see here is the

desire to divide and control people at every level....and That is what should

be considered as an attack on liberty and decency! This is not

meant to be political... This is just common sense and an appeal for

tolerance and decency!


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Since we're talking Nationals here, let me make a note about the otherwise beautiful Do-17 prototype. Probably scratch build. With the solid nose configuration it should not have swastika on the tail, that become the case after the crash and the regime change when it was rocking the bomber nose. So naturally don't be surprised if Zuckenberg gets angry with people disrespecting his heritage, ...... wait, I am not helping here  :) 



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Screen Shot 2023-08-19 at 10.41.10 PM.png

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Martin, I see that the FB people have simply smacked me down for DARING to post pictures of extremely well researched German aircraft that were presented with the wrong paint scheme.

I ask everyone here to refrain from politicizing this.  My intent on posting the thread was to ask y’all to be careful.  Nobody needs to be banned from FB or any other communications tool.

Ive informed Jeroen and Fran to pick up the slack for the next several days as I rot away in Facebook jail. 

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Martin, that Dornier has to be one of the most beautiful German airliners ever built.  It’s truly gorgeous.

Was it runnin HPH Junkers-Motoren Diesel engines at this time, or BMWs?  For some reason, I seem to remember the 205 style diesels we’re looking mighty promising for long distance air travel in the mid 30s.

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So you have been banned because both aircrafts are historically inaccurate (the 109 for sporting « 5 » instead of « 15 », and the Dornier for inappropriate swastikas, as very ably demonstrated by Martin ) ? 

I never thought FB moderators would have such an historical acumen. Silly me, I just thought they were here to make sure hate, trolling, spreading conspiracy theories, letting « influencers » make a fast buck out of gullible teenagers, were striving constantly, so that FB can spot the best way to monetize the data thus gained …


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Hubert, Facebook is fine with the exploitation of minors, (as long as it’s don’t offshore).

I have taken steps to make all my WW2 German aircraft pictures Facebook friendly by using images they are comfortable and happy with.  So, from now on, all swastikas will be removed and replaced with the Hammer and Sickle.   That SHOULD satisfy Facebook’s social justice lean. 

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5 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

Hubert, Facebook is fine with the exploitation of minors, (as long as it’s don’t offshore).

I have taken steps to make all my WW2 German aircraft pictures Facebook friendly by using images they are comfortable and happy with.  So, from now on, all swastikas will be removed and replaced with the Hammer and Sickle.   That SHOULD satisfy Facebook’s social justice lean. 

Frankly, the only socialist leaning I can find, personally, on FB, is that it would be used today by Karl Marx to illustrate the shenanigans of capitalism …. It’s an amoral company, managed  by immoral people. The worst you can find in capitalism …

End of my leftist rant 😂


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Maybe it could be due to laws in Germany that a swastika cannot be posted, pictured, displayed anywhere and FB is used in Germany?  Not defending the absurdity of denying history, I got to meet Anna Rosmus in a video production we did with her at work years ago.  She’s a very interesting person and the move The Nasty Girl was about her.  

Wiki link on her

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1 hour ago, ScottsGT said:

Maybe it could be due to laws in Germany that a swastika cannot be posted, pictured, displayed anywhere and FB is used in Germany?  Not defending the absurdity of denying history, I got to meet Anna Rosmus in a video production we did with her at work years ago.  She’s a very interesting person and the move The Nasty Girl was about her.  

Wiki link on her

I would imagine that is lot of it, also why Revell won't include swastikas. I wonder how the hammer & sickles are bearing up , as Stalin murdered more than Hitler in the same time period . He ho , pandering mode on. 


Oddly , my neighbours are ok with me hanging out the flags on Party Day and Fuhrergeburtstag but that may say more about the home counties than we'd like to admit ? 

Ps that Dornier is drop dead gorgeous


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6 hours ago, PanzerWomble said:

I've posted Finnish aricraft on Facebook , also 109 and 190 with national insignia. 

Me too. For years. Never a problem till now, and it was two pics on the middle of a dump of 40 pics. 

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6 hours ago, PanzerWomble said:

I would imagine that is lot of it, also why Revell won't include swastikas. I wonder how the hammer & sickles are bearing up , as Stalin murdered more than Hitler in the same time period . He ho , pandering mode on. 


Oddly , my neighbours are ok with me hanging out the flags on Party Day and Fuhrergeburtstag but that may say more about the home counties than we'd like to admit ? 

Ps that Dornier is drop dead gorgeous


They’d have a field day in modern day Chile…






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A lot of South American Nations have and have always had a very large German influence.  You gotta remember, before WW2 finished them off, Germany has historically been an Imperial Nation with as big a colonization practice as France, Portugal, Italy, England, or the US. 
Germany had colonies in the Middle East, Africa, and South America.  Also, during WW1, German Immigrants were one of the largest Ethnic groups in the US and Canada. 
People kind of forget that.

We adopted a lot of French and British influences on our society in North America, and even some German influences.  South America was Spanish, yes, but also extremely German.  Chile and Argentina’s signs, up until fairly recently, were bilingual: Spanish and German.

As far as a German influence here, take a look at USMC headdresses close to the end of the 19th Century. Pickelhauben, anyone?

Colonial influence is all through our society. Chile adopted German style uniforms over a Century ago. Those looking for a reason to be offended can find one anywhere they wish  



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17 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

Maybe it could be due to laws in Germany that a swastika cannot be posted, pictured, displayed anywhere and FB is used in Germany?  Not defending the absurdity of denying history, I got to meet Anna Rosmus in a video production we did with her at work years ago.  She’s a very interesting person and the move The Nasty Girl was about her.  

Wiki link on her

FB was fined a few million USD a few years ago in Germany, for letting neo-Nazi propaganda and « anti-constitutional symbols » flourish on its German pages. So, they have certainly become more aware of the issue, up to the point of applying blanket, non-discerning bans.

Our German friends can comment far better than me on the law, I suspect, but the issue is more complex than a first glance can induce: displaying these « anti-constitutional symbols » like the Swastika, or the faucet and hammer, for commercial of political purposes is forbidden in Germany. But it can be done for « civic education, countering anti-constitutional activities, art and science, research and education, the coverage of historic and current events, or similar purposes ». 
So a company cannot sell an item with a Swastika visible, even if it’s a model, but a modeler can put it on its models, although displaying it can be discussed, based in the perceived intent (historical representation, or to boast the Nazi regime). This said, most Germans will consider it extremely bad taste, and most unwelcome.


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7 hours ago, Lusitanian said:

Facebook is run by poorly designed algorithms.  IPMS Finland has a very active FB page with loads of photos of models with crooked crosses on them.  

Our FB page through LSM is quite active as well.  Jeroen and Fran post there all the time. Me, less so, I stick close to the forum.

But I talked to noted 109 modeler Floyd Werner, and he got the big hammer of FB wrath a few years back as well.

Facebook has marketed themselves in such a way to have become the premier “virtual town square”, where speech is free and open, with minimum of fuss.  Business and Service Organizations gave into the lure of its simplicity and long reach, putting their businesses on FB as well. Then, once everyone was good and addicted, they brought down the big hammer.



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