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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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Bought this one at the Enfield Mosquito Museum along with a lot of other Mossie stuff 18 months ago .

The kit from 1999 is a peach , fit is good , detail is good , even paper 1:1 masks for the cammo which work ok if you're cute with them . Wings are a good fit and are held with pins underneath , allowing you to paint everything and attach it all at the end . Undercarriage can go in at the end as well . Only thing I didn't like was the canopy , which I ended up making my own masks for ...thats three hours I won't get back and it didn't turn out that well either ...😖 .

Yahu IP was a waste of a fiver as it cannot be seen at all through the canopy , ditto all the extra wiring I bothered with putting in . 

Decals were good, I know some people don't like Tammy decals but these were fine to me . Light oil weathering , 105 Sdn were  the first to get these so relatively young by the time they did the Berlin Raid , bombing Geobels and Goering on the 30th Jan "Party Day" celebrations in 1943. Sadly this aircraft was in the second wave and was the only one shot down, S/L Darling (24) and his navigator both dying . 

Enthusiasm was a bit on and off at times (hence no build log)  but I wanted to finish it out before embarking on something new ....maybe a nice Tiger Tank ..






















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