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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Revell Bf109G6, Eric Hartmann I./JG53, February 1945

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Despite all the angst this is really a nice kit with some great engineering work.  A fun, sometimes challenging build.  A few engineering decisions on Revell's part is questionable.  The instruction callouts are hideous.   Should hold its own against Hasegawa.  Albeit, Revell missed an opportunity to knock this out of the ballpark.  Indeed this kit is an After Market goldmine.


I used a bunch of after market stuff:

  • Barracuda Wheels
  • Eduard Landing Gear
  • Eduard IP
  • HGW Belts
  • QuickBoost Exhaust
  • QuickBoost MG131
  • QuickBoost Revi 12 Gunsight
  • EagleCals "The Blond Knight"


  • Fuselage ID Band
  • Lower Cowling ID
  • Hungarian Theater Band on lower starboard wing

I added:

  • Wiring Looms in cockpit
  • Pedal Straps
  • Canopy Grab Handles
  • Canopy Hinge
  • Canopy Laynard
  • FuG25a Antenna
  • Rebuilt Rear Cockpit Bulkhead
  • Drilled out Pitot Tube and AAG-16 Antenna and replaced with wire


















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Beautiful work Rick, cool scheme. Never had the guts to try a winter scheme. What did you do around the balkenkreuz for masking? The nose tulips really set it off. Cheers Bevan



After decals applied I gave the plane an overall coat of gloss varnish (Mr. Color Super Clear diluted 1:1).  The national markings got an extra 3 or 4 passes.  After a week cure I used Vallejo liquid mask on the national markings then applied the winter wash.  Then peeled the mask away.


Winter wash is easier than I imagined.  Using Tamiya Flat White XF-1 diluted 30:70 with airbrush set at fine and PSI about 20 I gave each panel 3 or 4 passes.  I painted over the stencils.

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Love everything about your build, Rick.  Congratulations on your Rufe being printed up.




Hi Mark.


Thanks neighbor!  Truly appreciate your kind words.  FYI, your Hartmann build gave me plenty of inspiration. 


The Rufe is now demanding "STAR" treatment.  Wants own display case with LED lighting and mirrors as well as extra copies for autographed handouts.  :)

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Way cool Rick, wonderful work. I love this scheme and your weathering is off the charts.


Is the Rufe being spoken of the one in FSM?



thanks Paul.  Yes it is, FSM showed a little love for my Rufe.  Here is Rufe link in LSM Finished Work to see Work In Progress connect to the Facebook link.  I really need to get the WIP for this bird on LSM.

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Excellent. Always one of my favourite schemes, you've nailed it.

Thanks Ben, much appreciated.


Great schme with an awesome weathering... very good work on the white color!!

Thank you!


Great stuff Rick.


Winter coat looks perfect...



Thanks Matt.


Looking the business. Just right for the weather we are having right now!

yeah on the weather and scheme correlation.  even my kids noticed: "Daddy painted his plane for snow!"  then asked when can we go sledding.


Hello Rick:  great result.  Great scheme and very pleasing to the eye.  Love the "ground-in" grime look - very effective.  Cheers, Ralph.

Thanks Rieser


Just superb, my friend!  You really nailed this one, brought all the elements together beautifully!

Hey Mike.  Happy you did not say:  :Took you long enough!"  :)  Thanks for the kudos.


Fantastic, the finish and weathering are perfect, one to be proud of





Thanks Dennis, much appreciated.

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