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I'm now officially converted ... I bought one of these




which was delivered today and put what I believed to be a clean airbrush through it and ... 





(excuse the crappy iPhone pictures) I couldn't believe how much crap came out of it!  I then did my watch and it looks brand new now.  


I really recommend these ... I'm completely converted to them.


Decided, on Tuesday, that I really wanted to do a WNW kit (patriotism kicked in). Decided on which one and, 2 days later...




Surprised at how small it is - looks pretty fiddly and need to figure out how to go about the rigging etc.


Already decided to do the 'E' scheme. Now just need to find some time...



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Decided, on Tuesday, that I really wanted to do a WNW kit (patriotism kicked in). Decided on which one and, 2 days later...




Surprised at how small it is - looks pretty fiddly and need to figure out how to go about the rigging etc.


Already decided to do the 'E' scheme. Now just need to find some time...





Well, you're certainly in the right place if you need any spares (hugely unlikely though - WnW's are extraordinary !) - great choice, it's a great looking aircraft.


Okay, I caved in.....


Bought Trumpy's 1/32 A-6A Intruder and have the Z-M He 219 coming my way....

Time to actually finish something as this is getting ridiculous.... :)


Ah the trials and tribulations of wanting to build the Trumpeter MiG 3 ... all fired up, of course, by Jeroen's Polikarpov, Jim's Il-2 etc and encouraged by Dave J so ......


First, I ordered the BigEd set for the above which arrived on Thursday from the suppliers with nothing in the rather less than fancy envelope!, Nada, Nil, Zip, as bare as Old Mother Hubbards Cupboard, as bare as Jim's head   :(


"No biggie!" I thought.   Despite being disappointed at not being able to play with my nice new shiny toys, I contacted the supplier and then on Saturday a replacement arrived, I checked with trepidation and .......  all there ! Hooray !!  :D


Went to look for the model and ...... nowhere to be found  :( I searched everywhere and then double checked the sales records.


I'd forgotten that I'd sold it last February !!!   :wallbash:  :wacko:



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Ah the trials and tribulations of wanting to build the Trumpeter MiG 3 ... all fired up, of course, by Jeroen's Polikarpov, Jim's Il-2 etc and encouraged by Dave J so ......


First, I ordered the BigEd set for the above which arrived on Thursday from the suppliers with nothing in the rather less than fancy envelope!, Nada, Nil, Zip, as bare as Old Mother Hubbards Cupboard, as bare as Jim's head   :(


"No biggie!" I thought.   Despite being disappointed at not being able to play with my nice new shiny toys, I contacted the supplier and then on Saturday a replacement arrived, I checked with trepidation and .......  all there ! Hooray !!  :D


Went to look for the model and ...... nowhere to be found  :( I searched everywhere and then double checked the sales records.


I'd forgotten that I'd sold it last February !!!   :wallbash:  :wacko:





This deserves it's very own theme music ...


I'm going to go with Madonna's: "Like a virgin" ... because I am touching resin "for the very first time"!!

At my front door (In Perth, Western Australia) today, all the way from Derbyshire in England, arrived a kit I have been waiting near on 3 years to buy ...

... taking only an incredible 6 days to get here - including the day I put the order through and two weekend days ... Staggering!


My very own MDC Hawker Typhoon (served with a side of HE rockets!) ... I would LOVE to do a review ... not just an "In-Box" review, but a review of my whole "Customer Experience" ... Obviously I am well over 3 years too late ... but my experience is breathtaking!!


Well ... off to smoke a cigarette now ;)


Rog :)

  • Like 1

Excellent Rog ... when you're ready start a thread in the Large Scale Aircraft build section.  I know I'll be watching.


Excellent Rog ... when you're ready start a thread in the Large Scale Aircraft build section.  I know I'll be watching.


Nice of you to say ... however I never post build/completed threads or pictures, sorry!

(too many critics out there for my mind!)

But I have no problem asking people for help if I run into difficulty :)


Rog :)


Criticism's never been a major issue (although I'm married, so I'm used to criticism...heyo!).


[rim shot!]  Good one and so true!  Soon my kids will join my wife or be a complete separate entity of dishing out criticism.  :)


Everything I do is based on a WIP model.  Agree, I always like the atta boys from time to time.  However, I get biggest benefit from constructive evaluation.  Every build for me is an evolving experience.  Learn from a fail, learn from smart people.  I always surround myself with people much smarter than me. 


Since my return to this hobby just over a year ago, I have learned so much for colleagues, friends through the magic of technology.  Never take critique too personal.  You can tell if criticism is sensitive and helpful or from a jealous knucklehead.   Knuckleheads?  meh...look at 'em in the eye as they spew their self serving pontification and pretend you are watching a movie.


... WIPs has wonders for moving my skills forward ...


No arguement there ... I've learned most of the little of what I DO know from them ... However, I doubt me posting anything is going to radically change the world!!


Attaboys are nice for the ego, but don't actually drive improvement the way constructive criticism does.


I don't want praise (in fact I shun it as much as I do negativity) ... I do what I do for my own relaxation and enjoyment - not for the approval of others or their analysis of the strength of my skill set ...

That enjoyment disappears quite quickly when someone starts pulling it all appart though ...

as you say - each to their own :)

... Maybe that's why I never got married?? Who knows??


Everything I do is based on a WIP model.  Agree, I always like the atta boys from time to time.  However, I get biggest benefit from constructive evaluation.  Every build for me is an evolving experience.  Learn from a fail, learn from smart people.  I always surround myself with people much smarter than me.


Good!!! Me too ... Thats why I jump on forums ... mainly to ask questions and look at what experts can achieve ... collect some new ideas - not to embarrass myself with my (comparatively) pathetic attempts, all the while looking like some kind of try hard. I like what I do ... it's fun ... when critiquing comes into it, it becomes like some sort of competition


Since my return to this hobby just over a year ago, I have learned so much for colleagues, friends through the magic of technology.  Never take critique too personal.  You can tell if criticism is sensitive and helpful or from a jealous knucklehead.   Knuckleheads?  meh...look at 'em in the eye as they spew their self serving pontification and pretend you are watching a movie.


Criticism ... when unasked for (which ALWAYS happens) ... is something I'd rather avoid, personally.


Due to my 17 year old 19 inch CRT computer monitor exploding last night, I now have a 23 inch hi definition flat screen.....everything's so bright my EYES THEY'RE BURNING ARRRRGGHHHHH.......

  • Like 1

Nice Matt!


I got a review sample of the Corsair this afternoon too! Looks beautiful!


Well...they're cats.


This goober never criticizes, unless it's about not providing him with a constant stream of bacon.








Did you order from Volks?


LuckyModel sell the 219 as well for those not wishing to enrich our governments further ;)

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Oh, Erik ... you are a lucky man!  Are you SURE you don't want their P-51 as well ??...  special deal !!   :D  :D  :D  ;)

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Did you order from Volks?


LuckyModel sell the 219 as well for those not wishing to enrich our governments further ;)


I did order from LuckyModel. I'm afraid the Dutch guv'mint is on to them, though.... Although I ordered 2, one for a friend. That makes a package that is somewhat hard NOT not notice.... :)


Oh, Erik ... you are a lucky man!  Are you SURE you don't want their P-51 as well ??...  special deal !!   :D  :D  :D  ;)


I already have a Z-M Mustang.... But maybe if the deal's special enough.... ;)


Interesting (and sorry for your financial pain)


Does your post office charge you for collecting the government's money though?

We may have you there!



Today I recieved a couple of Belgian Chocolates :D ... er sleep.png ... HPH kits in the mail ...


1 Ships Catapult for the Arado 196 ... and 1 Supermarine Walrus (Goo Goo ga joob?!)


Rog :D

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