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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

1/32 Eduard E1 "White12" 2./JG53 France, August 1940


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Hi Bevan,


That's a goody, great choice. it's got some great weathering potential. The cross on the misplaced side access hatch certainly is odd...Are you going to replicate it? Or "take the hatch off & straighten it up" for the pilot....


Dan M

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Another great find Bevan.  Where's the artwork from, and how does the decals?  Cheers, Ralph.

Ralph, Kagero JG53"pik As" Units number 7 for both the art work and the decals, {Cartograf} albeit only the "white 12" and W Nr. The national insignia and stencils will have to come from the kit.

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Hi Bevan,


That's a goody, great choice. it's got some great weathering potential. The cross on the misplaced side access hatch certainly is odd...Are you going to replicate it? Or "take the hatch off & straighten it up" for the pilot....




Dan M



It certainly has Dan and yes I'll try to reproduce the upside down access hatch, just adds that little bit more interest I think

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got the Ed E1 in the mail, strangly the only olive coloured plastic in the kit is the upper and lower wing halves. The rest of the kit is in a medium grey.


So......I guess it's time to make a start on the Aires pit and see if I'm going to be lucky with the fit


To infinity and beyond..... (Buzz Lightyear)



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Yayyyyyyyy get into her. That is weird with the sprue colours- I've built 4 Eduard planes now, they've all been the same annoying olive colour.


Must be destiny- a "special LSM 1940 edition".


Looking forward to some progress pics.





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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's about time!


This is the Aires cockpit painted with Gunze H70 RLM02 over Tamiya Xf85 rubber black. I angled the airbrush from top to bottom to try and create a shadow effect. I added some white to the 02 for some highlights. Washed with oils and dry brushed with Humbrol enamels. Detail painting with Humbrol and Tamiya enamels. The instrument panel is painted with Tamiya Xf24, still need to add some detail painting to it though!







Thanks for looking, cheers Bevan

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In with this one


Ordered the E1 kit today also got the Aires cockpit for this one., thanks Ralph!

Was talking to Craig of Aeroworks in Adelaide about top wing camo pattern he thinks it may still be in 70/71?




The scheme doesn't really look like the old 70/71/65 scheme... I would guess it rather as 02/71/65?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your freakin kidding me Aaron, it worked. Thanks a bunch!


So the fuselage is together. I've re scribed the panel lines but haven't added the lost rivets yet.


The Aires cockpit has given me a few headaches. The lower instrument panel was so tight I had to trim it and carve some of the wiring detail away to let it fit, nothing you'll ever see though.


The oil cooler openings need to be squared up so I used some strip stock and CA. pretty easy fix.


Ok I may have some mojo back now that the photo thing is sorted.


Cheers Bevan

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