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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

WnW OOP models just getting higher and higher!!


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  • 4 months later...

Have built quite a few WNW kits (& have quite a pile in my unbuilt stash). Without doubt they're fantastic! The first few on the shelf at my local hobby store were ultimately a scale-breaker for me & I haven't looked back since.

The "sold out" theme is however frustrating when compared to other high-quality kit-manufacturers... I'm hugely disappointed not be able to build the beautiful LVG.

I hear occasional rumors that OOP kits may be re-released as limited "special edition" runs but nothing concrete (?)

I just gave up in frustration on Roden's (Sopwith) triplane (as well as their lousy decals) and sourced the WNG kit on ebay. Cost me $200 + shipping.

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Its not a rumors that OOP will be release in Special edition.... 


The SP was told me several times by Richard Alexander that told that SP will be release one day..... 


In fact if you check that first interview/photo report made, in one pic, they show up a peek of PE for LVG...that interview was in 2010... yep... one day could be in a long long time distance...

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