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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Cyber Hobby 1/32 Bf109E trop

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Nice Emil you built there. I like the paintjob, specially the shaded lower fuselage, the fine dot-camo and the not too present yellow. Do you use masks for Insignia and numbers? They look well blended and there is no hint of decals, bueno. The wear on the pilot's exit wing looks a little bit to much like a smear for my liking, if this little critique is allowed.

Cheers Rob

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Thanks Rob.   Yes, I have been debating that wing myself. As you identified  I was trying to get some 'wear' not just chipping on the wing.  It looks better on the model than the 'blown up' photo.   Thanks for your input.  Also, yes, I did use paint masks and I use them in most of my builds for the major markings.  Much more effective than decals.

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