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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Stop the press!! New Wingnut Wings Lancaster on the way!


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2 minutes ago, Maxim said:

I think it's great that we'll have two Lancaster kits available.  Both kits will appeal to different modellers and their skill sets. The WNW kit will probably require rivet replacement because of seem work where the HKM kit will need engraved panel line replacement. The WNW kit will be more expensive and I would say about $100 more expensive. I can't see anything to moan about as both kits give us modelers different options, price, skill set, versions.

Life is Good!

Yeah it is. 

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Surprising news indeed, and great ones as well :respect:.

I can’t help but feel a bit sad for HK, though. First they had Tamiya on the Mossie (good thing they chose the bomber version with a glass nose, the only Beautiful Mosquito IMHO) and now, WnW on the Lanc. And of course, Graham’s scheduled Dambuster conversion seems less interesting now ...

Now, as we have confirmation that WnW are just following the whims of Sir Peter (we knew it already :) ), has the director Peter Jackson any plans of a movie with a Boeing 314 in one of the key roles ? Mind you, I’d also take a remake of Dr Strangelove, provided he used a B-58 :)


PS  so far, still right on the « no-French-aircraft » prediction ;) 

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5 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

Looks like poor Jennings is butthurt over on TOS. :rofl:   If he’s pissed, I’m ecstatic..  the poor baby. 


Jennings Heilig

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  • Pardon my French, but un-F**KING-believable.  My opinion of WnW and Peter Jackson just dropped into a cesspool.  What a low life move.  Very childish. 

What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.

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5 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

Looks like poor Jennings is butthurt over on TOS. :rofl:   If he’s pissed, I’m ecstatic..  the poor baby. 


Jennings Heilig

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  • Pardon my French, but un-F**KING-believable.  My opinion of WnW and Peter Jackson just dropped into a cesspool.  What a low life move.  Very childish. 

What’s TOS? Been out of the loop for a bit.

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Sometimes i don't understand manufacturers. HK will have on soon, so WNW also??????????...............Still so many W.W.1 subjects that are not present in 1/32 scale, and they go W.W.2 with a subject that's all ready done by others. Sorry not my cup of tea, i'm glad i don't like bombers.:hsmack:

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