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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Canada's Most Decorated Soldier: William Barker and His Snipe

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I purchased the WNW Clerget Camel specifically because I wanted to model Squadron Commander William Barker's Sopwith Camel...but first I had to build his Sopwith Snipe! Pheon Decals, Tamiya paints, E-Z line, the new Vallejo Metal paints (awesome and odorless), and the little red devil from the Camel kit.





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  • 3 weeks later...

This is brilliant, the wood of the internal structure looks so, well, wood like. The modulation on the wings is great too.

I'm sure you have seen this new WNW offering, including a figure of William Barker

Maybe somebody have the figure in spare and is willing to sell or swap.

Cheers Rob

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