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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Gustav goes Italian..

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Last year I was admitted to hospital with acute kidney failure which was completed two days later with a complete liver failure. While in ICU I had a lot of time to think and made

a promise to myself: Should I somehow get out of this I'll be back at the modelling bench the day I get home. And did I keep the promise: 5 large scale models finished in less than 5 months. This was one of them:




It's the Revell G-6 kit with a few AM extras added like in the cockpit and the underwing guns. Paints are Gunze/Mr. Color, decals came from Sky (surprisingly good) and some home made masks from Tamiya tape. Hope you like what you see. 


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4 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

Lothar. That's the nicest 109 I've seen in a long time. The paint sure sets it off.

Did you use the AMUR Reaver nose set for it?

Thank you for the roses Ernie. As to your question, I've just replaced the gun barrels, the nose is Revell as it comes in the kit.


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6 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

What a survival story !  Hell yeah.  Very different look on 109, I like the subtle weathering and very cultivated approach. Bravo !



Thank you Martin. Since then I enjoy modelling a lot more than I did before :) Is it still cold and winterly in Alberta???


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Gee, that looks indeed scaring. We have a solid +25°C and no rain in weeks, nature is drying out in my neck of the woods :( and we're considered to live in a moderate climate zone. Strange world.


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