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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Thanks Peter and yes a lot off work and many to go This is only 10% off the first step Mark
  2. great work on the paint job. I dondt know iff you have the tamiya wax? Iff so use that for the finnish but afterwards where gloves when you touch the model for fingerprints. Keep it up the good work Mark
  3. a bit off fun with a normal plastic kit. Mark
  4. thank you all small things done and first parts togheter. Add a bit off wash for the details and to look used next up front suspension and brakes Mark
  5. thank you Thanks next is the ferrari 330P4 and its online in the section lsm works Mark
  6. nice build. Love the black and white pics. Mark
  7. thank you Mark
  8. thank you all Mark
  9. thanks Harv
  10. nice work,good paint job lov it with the strips on Mark
  11. Thank you Thanks and no problem sharing the info Thank you Mark
  12. On every build coms a end so now we are here Thank you all for the support,after 8 months building its done for me Not 100% but damn proud at this one. The body aint fitting without pressur so not pics off that. Thanks and now i can go for the ferreri Mark
  13. working on the last parts off the build now getting this assembeld and a few details to go. So next update it will be done ( i hope )
  14. i think i have about 90 in the stash Mark
  15. get the base color as smooth you can get I have to paint the body 6 times just because i whent tru the paint. Be careful on the edges. The smoother the base paint the beter the clear coat will be. With micro mesh take it easy and every time u use another grid take fresh water(ask me how i know ) And i have no secrets glad to help Mark
  16. nice start How i didt the paint job on my lotus I have primed the body (it whas resin) and polischd it with 6000 to get it smooth Afterwards i have done a few base coats and pollishd it again before clear coat After clear again polishd to get all the defects out iff you pollish between every step you get the best results and a minimum on faults in the paint It takes time but it helps After decals a wet coat of x22 and let it dry Then you can use the compounds from tamiya for the finnish Be shure its dust free and take your time between painting and pollishing mostly i let the paint dry for about 5 days And for the final use the tamiya wax Hope this helps and you understand what i mean English is not my best Keep going Mark
  17. a few things done fun with rivets and paint some parts already assambelde
  18. great work keep it up i love it Mark
  19. love that paint sheme. Nice going with the truck Mark
  20. nice one great work i love it Mark
  21. Thanks i do my best The will not hire me to many broken drill bits Thanks Yes Peter,long work but the hardest part still to come placing the rivets. Mark
  22. nice work and adding the wires add such more to watch to Mark
  23. nice start on the tracks. Good luck with the rest take your time Mark
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