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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Dry brushed with Tamiya XF-16 Flat Aluminum and then airbrushed a coat of Flory Grime Wash this morning. Once that dries I'll begin sponging off the wash until I achieve the look I'm going for!
  2. Cees. I kind of thought that but unfortunately I’m not by any means an aircraft expert! They just looked weird to me, lol!!! I guess I could sand and reshape them?
  3. Ready for Future, decals, weathering and matt finish!
  4. Yellow leading edge identification stripes painted. Tomorrow I'll clear coat with Future and set the decals!
  5. Okay time to let the Typhoon assemble crew take off for the evening. They had a very productive day!!
  6. Pushing along today. Now it's starting to look like a Typhoon!
  7. The paint shop spent the morning masking the Typhoon upper fuselage and wing for painting the darker camouflage coat. Second color coat!! Okay camouflage base coats are done. Now to mask and paint the yellow wing leading edge identification stripes!!!
  8. Yay after 20 years on the bench you finally finished it, lol!! Great job it looks fantastic!!
  9. Thanks Dave for posting that as I had seen Tamiya color call outs for my WNW D-Vll when read over the instructions.I love WNW instructions as they are more like a history book than instructions!
  10. Looks like they are cpming along nicely. I have a Tamiya 1/35 Tiger on my build list this year!!
  11. Yep Dennis I ran into a ill fitting canopy, lol!! had to set it twice!!
  12. LOL Cees!!! I learn something new every day!
  13. Well after much research and an education on the difference between D-Day Stripes and Identification Stripes I finally painted the "identification stripes" on the bottom of the Typhoon, lol!! I've also masked the bottom so the paint shop can spray the top camouflage scheme tomorrow, lol!!!
  14. Very nicely done!! Love the British scheme!!
  15. Wow that looks fantastic!!
  16. I'll be darn Cees!!! I thought they were D-Day stripes!!! Oh well you live and learn, lol!!!
  17. Base coat applied to the belly and getting ready to mask for D Day stripes and top base coat!! Whitewashed D-Day stripes. The paint shop will re-mask tomorrow to apply the black stripes!
  18. Thanks Rick for the kind suggestion I was going to display with the engine bay and car door open. I think the problem was in the canopy shape. I was finally able to get it to seat correctly!
  19. I love the effect but there's just something wrong with spraying black not so straight lines all over your model, lol!!!
  20. Thanks Brad. I enjoyed building this kit as it was great fun. Love those Tamiya tanks!!
  21. Well back on for a second try!! Very ill-fitting canopy to say the least. Good old Revell it's always something!! Love my challenging love affair with Revell, lol!!!
  22. Wow those are fantastic!!! Look forward to seeing some painted!!
  23. Wow Ted great work!!! Love the rivet details!!
  24. Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.
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