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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Well I'm glad somebody missed me, lol!!!
  2. Thanks Ted for the kind comment! I've been around, just busy being retired, lol!!
  3. Finished my 1/35 Tamiya M1A1 Abrams Tank with Mine Plow last night. Great kit, fun build and highly recommended!!
  4. Love the Constellation!! Would love to see a 1/48 scale kit!!
  5. Erik is there a good review out there on the Tamiya Thunderbird F-16C Block-32? I would love to build my first Tamiya aircraft and this looks interesting! Ralph.
  6. Very informative review Jeroen. Looks like a fun kit! Are you going to build it? If so will follow with great interest! Thanks again for the review!
  7. Oh cool weighted tires too!!! Very nice!!
  8. Informative review Jim. Nice to see good smaller scale aftermarket reviews.
  9. Bravo Jim!!! Wonderful review and very glad to see this added to the Non-LSM Forum! Us Non guys appreciate it, lol!!!
  10. Love the Revell 1/32 Ju88 builds. I've done two so far and really enjoy the kits. Good luck with your build!
  11. Really nice job Arno. I wish more folks were watching you create thid masterpiece!
  12. LOL a whole lot of shit there!!! The resin pit will make it much better!
  13. Arno and I shopped eBay etc and seemed to have found and bought the last two True Detail resin cockpit kits for the Hunter last year! Now while I haven't search lately I wasn't able to find any aftermarket!!
  14. Finished step 17/18 adding all but the tools and a few small items I'll add after paint. Headed to the paint shop for priming and pre-shading!! Primed and the paint crew also painted the road wheels flat black so I guess I'll be painting hubs tonight, lol!! Finished pre-shading with Tamiya XF-9 Hull Red and a few areas with XF-49 Khaki. Once the pre-shading dries the paint shop crew sprayed a light coat of XF-59 Desert Yellow and a post shading coat of XF-57 Buff. Ok I really like the effects the paint shop crew was able to achieve. Looks real sandy!! Looks good with the rear hatches open. Well on to the road wheels!!
  15. Well today I hope to get all the small bits on the hull before closing everything up and sending the Bradley off to the paint shop for priming with tan rattle can primer, pre-shading with Tamiya XF-9 Hull Red and possibly a base coat mixture of XF-59 Desert Yellow and XF-57 Buff with a few highlights of XF-49 Khaki. A cold rainy windy day here in Georgia means lots of enjoyable bench time. Did a bit of scratch built brass grill and stowage basket detail this morning. The brass will look better than the black mesh included with the kit! Completed front hull grill. Brass basket looks better!!
  16. Finished step 16 and the turret build. Finished installing the interior decals and applied a matt coat to seal it all up.
  17. Wow amazing skill set!!! Really like all the scratch built items!
  18. I remain speechless when I see builds like this. The craftsmanship at this level is something I continue to reach for!!
  19. Very very very nicely done Ted!!!
  20. You know if this kit had a fully detailed engine it would make a great half hull display model!
  21. I so wish I could come visit you all. Jim can I stay with you, lol!!???
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