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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. I love my Neo Airbrush Tom. It does a super job!
  2. Yeah it was well worth the time. Saw lots of great builds and git out of there for under $20.00, lol!!!
  3. Yeah I noticed that also but there are still some good deals if you haunt the site, lol!! No "Model Hoarding" for this boy! I met a guy at the Hobby Show that had 1400 kits in his stach but he had a glassed over look in his eye so I ran away, lol!!!
  4. My $10.00 buy at the Atlanta Hobby Show!! Brings back memories of NKP and the 40th ARRS!!
  5. Attended the Atlanta Model Show 2014 today and had a super time and only spent $20.00!! Kevin from my local HobbyTown USA was there. He's been a huge local source of information and suggestions. 1/32 Scale Planes General Show Pictures. Raffle Prices Danger Will Robinson, lol!!
  6. Looks pretty damn good to me, lol!! Excellent job!! I see what looks like clamps on hoses and wire bundles, what did you use to make those? Ralph.
  7. Thanks Cees I'll still that idea if you don't mind of using a a piece of sprue to make detailing of the seats easier. Also will mask of any gluing area too. Thanks for the ideas. Headed to the Atlanta Model Show today!! Ralph
  8. Your build is looking fantastic. Love the detail on the ejection seat. I'm getting ready to build the seats for my Ju88 cockpit. Here's a question. If you paint, detail, add seat-belts etc and then install in the cockpit how do you glue them in place since everything is painted? Ralph.
  9. Holy cow!!! Can't get over your level of modelling. I bought a Edward cockpit instrument kit for my JU88 build and just started grinding the per-molded instruments off the panels allowing me to install the self-adhesive brass parts. It's nerve racking but my confidence is growing stronger with each grind and I figure paint will cover a multitude of sins, lol!!
  10. Great review James.
  11. Have a Minicraft Hasegawa #1092 1/32 Boeing P26 Peashooter that I just purchased via a great deal on eBay to add to my stash. Your build will really assist me once I start my build. Ralph.
  12. Yeah I was really pleased get this as most new kits are in the $100.00/$125.00 price range. As I said it's in perfect condition and I was able to find new decals, seat-belts and Edward instruments on eBay for around $40.00! I have 6 models in my stash so I'm good!!! Well unless eBay offers up some more excellent deals, lol!
  13. Found this incredible "1987" Revell 1/32 P38J Lockheed Lightning kit on eBay for for $34.50. Box was open but all parts still sealed in their original plastic sleeves with instructions and decals. Decals look a bit dry but will order new when I start to gather aftermarket parts.
  14. I love this aircraft and a big fan og you modelling skills! Really like the panel lines, exhaust manifolds, camouflage and cockpit detail. Fantastic job!! Ralph.
  15. Great photos with your new camera and fantastic finish on the 109's. I really like the desert chamofluge version! I have several nice digital cameras but take all my pictures with my I-Phone. Ralph.
  16. Nice work Jan. Love the weathering. did you do the aluminum paint chipping using a dry brush? Ralph.
  17. LOL Tom!!! Thanks for the tire tip and the ironing shirt advice. I'm anxious to try this on my Ju88 and future builds. Really like the look. Thanks again. Ralph.
  18. Lord you guys just keep coming up with stuff I need to buy, lol!!!
  19. Not sure yet as I'm working on my Ju88 but I did pick up some 1/32 aftermarket Tiffy decals on eBay just in case. The kit is Revell # 85-4663 1996 depicting a Hawker Typhoon Mk 1B "Mavis" flown by Flg. Off. LWF "Pinky" Stark, No. 609 Squadron based at Manston early 1943. That's how I will build it. Ralph.
  20. Two recent wins from eBay to add to may stash!!
  21. Found this very informative article on the Typhoon/Tornado at http://axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?5494
  22. Well congrats to you.
  23. Wow love the look of the weighted tires. Up until now I haven't tried that but will on the Ju88. Is there any special technique to doing that? Ralph.
  24. Thanks James I'll take you up on your kind offer!
  25. Good Lord no wonder it has a $275.00 to $300.00 US price tag!!! You get everything including the kitchen sink, lol! I bit pricy for my mosel budget but I will enjoy watching your build James. Really interested in hearing what building in resin is like. I ordered a nose conversion for my upcoming Ju88A-6 nightfighter build which is resin so will get an introduction with it. Thanks for the fantastic review as it was most informative. Ralph
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